Brittany nodded, curious as to what Santana was thinking about. "They said the project starts in mid-March. I would need to be in Boston for the meeting, and if they like me and I decide to take the job then I would probably just end up staying until the work starts since I would be working with people at the labs at MIT. And the project would last for about two months, but maybe a little more."

Santana turned her head to look at the paused TV screen, and Brittany was worried her girlfriend was a little upset at the fact that their separation was becoming more of a reality. If Santana wasn't happy about this, then she wouldn't do it. She really wanted to earn that money, but her girlfriend was more important.

"I don't have to do it if you really don't want me to," she began, "but I wouldn't be away for too long. I would be done and in New York before you know it."

Santana turned back to Brittany quickly, giving her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hands still clasped with Brittany's. "No, it's fine Brit. I wasn't upset, I was just thinking."

"What about?" Brittany was relieved Santana wasn't upset, but wasn't sure what Santana was so deep in thought about. Santana leaned forward to give her a quick peck, causing her to smile a little.

"Well," Santana began as she pulled back, "I was just thinking that we have about six weeks before you have to be back in Boston. And if you are most likely going to take the job, because, I mean they would have to be insane to not want you, then maybe I should just plan on going to Massachusetts with you for a little while."

Brittany couldn't believe what Santana was saying. She would give up going back to New York to stay with Brittany? Santana had nothing in Massachusetts; no job, no apartment, no friends. Just Brittany. Brittany couldn't help the grin that started to spread across her face, and she felt the love for her girlfriend start to make her chest feel tighter.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to New York?" Brittany asked, wanting to make sure. "Don't you want to get back to the diner and stuff?"

Santana grinned at her, her chocolate eyes sparkling with joy and love. "The only place I want to be is wherever you are, Brittany."

Brittany's grin threatened to split her face, and she grabbed Santana into her arms to squeeze her tightly. Santana was absolutely perfect.

"You are the best, most awesome girlfriend ever!"

Santana laughed, returning the hug just as tightly. "Don't you forget it."

Brittany felt the press of Santana's lips against her neck, followed by the tickle of her hot breath on Brittany's skin as she said, "I love you."

Brittany closed her eyes tightly, trying to hold onto her emotions.

"I love you, too," she replied, then opened her eyes and pulled back from their tight embrace. She kept her hands on Santana's shoulders, still wanting to maintain contact with the Latina, and Santana's hands settled at Brittany's waist. She knew that they still had more to talk about, though. "So what exactly did you have in mind to do for the next six weeks?"

Santana's eyes sparkled a little before she spoke. "Since neither of us wants to stay in Lima much longer and there isn't really any point in going back to New York for a little bit before going to Massachusetts, I was thinking we could maybe take another little trip."

Brittany started getting excited, her joy at Santana's willingness to come to Boston with her making her enthusiasm even greater. "Where are we going? Where are we going?" Brittany asked as she bounced up and down on the couch like an over-eager child.

Santana laughed at her, tightening her grip on Brittany's hips to get her to stop bouncing. "My body hasn't adjusted to this winter weather after spending so long in warmer climates, so going south sounds good to me," she explained, her eyes glittering with mischief. "I was thinking maybe we could go down to Disney World for a week or so."

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