Chapter 1

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Date: May 17 2027

Dear fucking diary,
Hi, I'm a new person to this diary thing, I just moved in with a few people and some dude with a green shirt told me to do this. I don't know much about diary's but I think it's this thing that summarizes ur day? I don't know. Anyways what did I do today? Barely anything actually. Just kind a settled into my room and that's it. Flirted with a girl, Went bad. Oh yeah, also I found this new Hobby that pisses off a lot of people, Where you place nails into ur arm and when it turns numb you pluck out each 1 by 1 and wash all the blood off. I have a friend who has trypophobia so that hobby I do pisses him off. I dyed my hair red, the red hair is permanent so I can't get it off. I think that's it then, I know this day was short but I barely did something today so, yeah.

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