I don't even know if I can manage that. It'll be my first time and we all haven't practiced this type of attack.

"But make it a surprise attack. Give each other a signal." Jake finishes saying before we make our way back on the court.

"This is be our signal. So keep an eye for it." Chan says as he shows us the signal.

It was simple. Just a finger gun on the right hand.

We nod and get ready to continue the harsh game.
The second set ended. The referees decided to end it in a tie.

It was just going on for so long. So we were now on the third set out of five.

We needed to win this set to end it all and win the trophy.

Current score is 14-12.

We were leading by 2 points. But we couldn't get any farther then that.

The team just scored a point. And was we were changing our positions, Chan threw the signal and we all gave small nods.

This was the moment.

The other team served and we went straight to action.

Jisung receiving the ball instead of me. I rush up to the front, jumping over the line and setting the ball straight to Minho.

The ball was too high up and close to the net. The opposite of what Minho prefers.

He smacks the ball past the blockers and earning us a point.

The team were shocked because they were for sure I was going to set it to Hyunjin.

We did a quick celebration. The members rushing to me and hugging me.

I was surprised I was able to pull of the move.

Just a few more points.
"We did it!" Jake shouts out of excitement and astonishment.

I stare at the score board.


We did it. Finally.

I fell down on to my knees. The pads protecting me from the hard ground.

I felt myself start to break down and cry.

We did it. We won.

I didn't let the team down. I didn't let Seungmin down.

I didn't let Chan down.

Everything was muffled and my vision blurry from the tears of happiness.

I was suddenly being tackled into a hug.

I come to my senses and see a head full of bleached blonde hair.

Chan looks up at me. Eyes glassy and his dimpled smile that made me fall in love with him on his face.

"We did it." He whispers.

Cheers muffled behind as he suddenly kisses me.

I was shocked.

But nonetheless, I kissed back shyly.

We were suddenly pulled back into reality as we were tackled by the other members.

Laughter and cheers coming from them as they surrounded us with hugs.

I didn't let any of them down.
"Party at Chan's place! Whooooo!" Jisung shouts as we enter the bus.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'm sleeping as soon as I get home." Chan spoke as he walks past the younger.

"I'm in agreement. Partying sounds so tiring." Seungmin says as he picks a seat to sit.

"Then tomorrow we celebrate! It's Saturday!" Felix chimes in.

They really wanted this party.

"Ughh fine. Tomorrow at 6. Just us." Chan mumbles out as he leans on me and closing his eyes.

"Party!" Jisung and Felix shout together.

"Settle down and get seated." Jake tells them.

"Oh come on Coach. Tells us how proud you are!" Felix says.

Jake playfully rolling his eyes at his team.

"Yeah come on Coach. Tell us how much you love us!" Jisung jokes on

"Alright alright! You guys did an amazing job out there. I'm glad to have coached you all this whole season. Hopefully next year will be the same. Thank you for an amazing year." Jake says.

Jisung and Felix playfully crying and wiping away their fake tears.

"Aww coach. You shouldn't have." They say.

All of us who were awake laughing.

I was quietly laughing as to not wake up Chan, who had passed out.

Shut yer traps and go to sleep. We have a long way before we get back to school." Jake says as he sits down at his own seat.

The bus soon starting and we were out.
"I'm sooo tired to drive. Carry me to the car Binnie." Chan cries out as he gets on my back.

"You plus your gym bag equal us falling to the ground." I groan out as I struggle to carry both our weight.

He gets off of me and instead holds me hand as he leads us to his car.

"I'm not that heavy." He pouts as he enter the vehicle.

I giggle. "You are. Much heavier than me."

He starts his car. Pout still on display.

"Am not." He continues.

"Are too. Now hurry up please. I wanna shower and get this smell off of me." I say as I feel dirty.

He nods and we continue to make our way home.

I couldn't wait to tell my parents about the day we just had.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now