47. Mary's Song (Oh My My My)

Start from the beginning

"No, I mean what are you doing here? I thought you'd be off bothering and/or stalking Kelsey." Remus sat down next to Sirius at the Gryffindor table. The great hall had been turned into a study room.

"Bringing me to my point." Sirius flipped a page. "I'm looking up spells to lock a room for an hour. I think if I can just get her to talk- listen for an hour..I swear on Merlin's left ball, she's getting warmer. I think I saw her smile the other day. And today she even said hi," Sirius was hopeful.

"You mean when she said hi during breakfast which turned to be a fake-out that ended with her giving you the finger."

"A woman after my own heart," Sirius recounted dreamily. She was acknowledging him ever since the fireworks - no the ice-cream social. It had to mean something.

Remus shook his head. "At this rate, you'll have her talking to you when you both have grandkids."

"That doesn't even make se-"

"It's because you're going about it the wrong way, boys!!"Astrid appeared out of nowhere. She dumped a stack of books on the table in front of them with a thud making them jump. She took a seat opposite them and grabbed a book. "I think you should start with these."

Sirius grabbed the torn halves of a comic book he recognised as belonging to Kelsey.


Kelsey tried to release Mary's grip on her wrist as she found herself being led away from the lake. She had shown up some time ago appearing very furious and all but kidnapped Kelsey.

"Where are you taking me?" demanded Kelsey.

"To the Gryffindor Common Room. We need to talk," stated Mary. Her steely grip did not loosen.

Kelsey found herself feeling skittish at the mention of that. Yes, she had decided to have a mature adult conversation with Sirius but it didn't mean she had to do it now. More importantly, how did Mary know? Was she secretly a Legilimens?

Before Kelsey could protest further they were outside the entrance. "Are you sure about this?" she dug her heels into the ground as a last attempt. She didn't even know what to say to him if she saw him. "Perhaps we can find a better place to talk."

Mary said the password and the Fat Lady swung the door open for them.

The common room was crowded with students studying. But in one corner she saw Marlene dusting a chair and talking to herself as if rehearsing a speech.

"Sit." Marlene looked at Kelsey and then the chair.

"What is this?" Kelsey demanded once more. She wouldn't budge.

"This our lovely Kelsey," said Mary. "Is an intervention."

"You see," Marlene put two hands on Kelsey's shoulders and pushed her down on the chair. "Mary told me about your on and off feelings about Sirius. And the hidden looks. And the eavesdropping on conversations about him. And the glaring at girls who look his way when you think we're not watching you." Kelsey blushed. "We think it's time you two talked."

Kelsey raised her eyebrows, amused. She was going to tell them that their intervention was obsolete since she had in fact decided to do that very thing but she was cut off.

"Don't even," glared Marlene. "Just shush and listen." Kelsey pretended to zip her mouth shut and crossed her arms. "We think you should talk to him. And no- before you object, we're just saying you should talk to him, not forgive him or stick your tongue down his throat. I mean obviously what he did was extremely git-like.."

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