I decided to put my hair up in a messy type of bun, but it still looked elegant. I walked out of my room, and perfect timing too, considering that Draco walked out of his room. He wore his normal all black suit (his coat being a little bit longer than the original) and his hair was combed just the way he liked it. On his tie was the Christmas gift I gave him, the snake pin. I smiled when I saw it.

"Ready?" He asked.

"No, but do I have a choice?" I say to him.

"Not really." We link arms and walk down the stairs to the second floor. We turn left and walk through the big doors, music filling our heads.

"Ahh, there they are!" Narcissa comes out of nowhere. "Draco, I've invited the Zabini's, you do know Blaise don't you Anyxus?" I nodded to her question. "He's right over there."She pointed to the right. I rushed over to Blaise who saw me immediately. He engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh my god, Anyxus, how are you?" He asked. I pulled away.

"I've been better, how about you?" I replied.

"Same here, you know, with all of the shit that's going round, I won't be great until this war is over."

"No disagreement there." I mumbled. Draco then walked over. Blaise looked furious.

"How could you drag her into this!?" Blaise whisper shouted. "She didn't do anything!"

"What are talking about?" Draco scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Her." He said pointing to me. "You dragged her into being a death eater!"

"Woah, Blaise, calm down. Draco didn't do anything. I've been a death eater since I was a baby. Draco didn't drag me into anything." I defended him.

"Wait, so you're telling me, the whole time I've known you, you've been a death eater?"

I nod and whisper "Yes."

"Well you're a damn good one." He chuckles a little bit.

"Draco, Anyxus!" Narcissa hollers and walks over to us. "Would you two go and dance, to encourage more people? I won't bother you two again if you do." She pleads.

"Fine." Draco holds out his hand. "Anyxus." He pulls me over to the middle of the room. I rest one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand, while he has one of his hands on my waist. The music starts and we waltz around the room (Valse Septembre/September Waltz). The last time I did this was with Cedric. I let a stray tear fall.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Draco whispers.

"Yeah, I'm just remembering, the last time I did this, danced I mean, was with Cedric." I say.

"Oh." Was all he said. "Jump." He whispered in my ear. I did what he said and he grabbed my waist with both of his hands and hoisted me off the ground. I couldn't help but smile as my feet touched the ground again. We went back to our original dancing positions and waltz some more around the room, then he decided to twirl me. He squeezed my hand and smiled genuinely. We went to the beat, 1 2 3, 1 2 3. He pulled me closer to him and my breathing quickened. He twirled me once more. I looked into his beautiful stormy blue eyes and felt something, something different. His grip on my waist tightened and our dancing intensified. I felt weak in his arms. All of the sudden, I felt nervous. He hoisted me into the air again and I grinned. I don't want to brag, but we were pretty good dancers. We ended the song with a low dip, our faces inches apart.

There was an eruption of clapping as Draco lifted me back up.

"Let's get out of here." Draco breathed in my ear. He took my hand and dragged me out of the ballroom and up the stairs. We passed the third floor where our rooms were and went to the attic floor.

"Draco, where are going?" I asked.

"Be patient." He opened a door at the end of the room and led me to them. All I saw were stairs, so we walked up them and a cold burst of air hit my face. We were on the roof of the Manor. I looked around the acres of land that the Malfoy's owned. It was breathtaking. Draco came behind me and handed me a bottle of something. I turned around and saw he had two bottles of firewhiskey.

"Trying to get me drunk are you?" I took the bottle from him.

"I just figured that we need to let loose." He said. I walked to the edge of the roof, where the railing was and leaned against it. I popped the top of my bottle open, as did Draco. I tilted the bottle back and felt the burning liquid pour down my throat.

"I used to come up here a lot, to get away from everything." Draco tells me.

"I can see why, it's so much for peaceful and relaxing up here." I replied.

"You got that right." We both took another swig.

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