2. Sleep Over

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Tommy pushed open the door to the kitchens, glancing around briefly before heading to the back door. He knocked three times and waited. The wooden door swung open and he was instantly pulled into a hug, brown hair tickling his cheek.

His friend was always much shorter than him.

Toby, or Tubbo, was Tommy's best friend. He worked in the kitchens with his mother and two younger sisters. He had met the young prince when they were children, since his mother had begun in the palace as Queen Kristins handmaiden. They worked their way up, and now his mother was the head of the kitchen staff. The Queen had aided this when their boys had been born only a few months apart. She had loved having a friend in Tubbos mother. They were housed in the castle, with plenty of food and clothing for each of them.

"Hi Tubbo." Tommy smiled into the hug, melting into his best friends embrace. When the stress of being a royal became too much, Tommy often found himself hiding out with Tubbo in the kitchens for however long he needed.

"Hi Tommy." Tubbo pulled away and opened the door wider. "Come on in." He said, walking in himself.

"Mum! Tommy's here!" Tubbo shouted, glancing up the steep stairs that led to their bedrooms. Soon, two girls were running down the stairs. The youngest of the two, Teagan, threw herself at Tommy. He caught her easily.

"Your crown is very pretty." The young child said, she was only 7.

"Well, thank you, Teagan." He smiled, ruffling her hair. She kicked her way out of his arms with a laugh and went to sit with Lani on the couch.

Soon, an older but beautiful woman hurried down the steps. "What was that, Toby?" She asked, laundry basket in hand. She looked up and smiled at her sons best friend. "Hello, Tommy." She set down the basket and pulled him into a motherly hug.

"Hi Mrs.Smith." He sighed and sank into her comfortable embrace. When his mother was no longer there, Tubbos mom had always been. Like a second mom.

"We're gonna go up to my room." Tubbo said, grabbing Tommy's hand and pulling him up the stairs. They entered Tubbos room and Tommy smiled in content. He pulled off his suit jacket and sash, setting his crown on top of them where he placed them on the desk. They both jumped onto Tubbos bed, laying next to each other.

"So, crowned prince huh?" Tubbo asked.

"Shut up." Tommy shook his head and hit Tubbo with a pillow. Both boys laughed.

"But seriously, how do you feel about it all?" He asked, glancing to his friend.

Tommy sighed. "It's a lot, you know." He stared at the ceiling. "I have to take more classes than I did now. I can't leave the castle. I'm surprised they even let me come here." He closed his eyes. "Sometimes it's all too much, you know. Being the family disappointment." He could hear Tubbo start to protest. "No, no, Tubbo. I am." He rolled over onto his stomach. "Technos a genius, dads second in command, Wilbur has got Sally and Fundy. And then there's just me. Sure, they love me. But I'm not a valued member of the family."

"I'm sure that's not true. You're going to be something great. I just know it." Tubbo nodded. "Do you want to stay the night?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Please." Tommy nodded.

Tubbo stood and grabbed some clothes out of his closet. Tommy had left some pajamas at Tubbos so he could spend the night if he wanted, without going back to his room. Tubbo handed them to Tommy, who walked into the upstairs bathroom. He quickly changed, setting his pristine suit to the side. He ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up from its perfect style.

He walked back into Tubbos room and threw himself back into the bed once more. It wasn't very late, but he was tired, and he could tell Tubbo was too. He pulled the covers up over himself, and Tubbo did the same. They both quickly slipped into unconsciousness.


Tommy woke to sunshine shining through the windows. He opened his eyes and glanced to his side, where Tubbo was no longer sleeping. He sat up and stretched, glancing at the clock. 9:30, it read. Shit, he thought, I'm late for breakfast.

He got up quickly and threw open Tubbo closet, grabbing a red button up shirt and black pants that he had stored there. The threw them on and quickly placed his crown on his head.

He ran down the stairs, seeing Teagan and Lani sitting in the living room watching cartoons. He smiled at them and headed for the door that led to the hallway. It would be quicker to go through the kitchens, but he really didn't want to be caught.

He quickly made his way through the hall and in the the dining hall. He threw the doors open and stepped inside, his entire family looking at the sound.

"Tommy." Techno said, glancing up at him. "You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry. I overslept." He looked to the ground and walked over to his seat. The room was silent once more as a kitchen staff brought him a plate. He immediately dug in.

"Are you ready for your lessons today?" Wilbur asked, trying to strike up some kind of conversation.

Tommy opened his mouth to make a snarky reply, but one look from Sally made him shut it once more. He nodded. "Yes." He added.

"Good." The conversation, albeit short, was uncomfortable. Tommy and Wilbur had a strained relationship as it was, and their conversations were usually over just as quickly as they started.

"Remember, Tommy, there is a ball later this week. You can bring one person if you'd like. Invite a friend. We want you to have fun." Techno said, curtly.

"Awesome." Tommy smiled for the first time that morning and glanced back at the kitchen door, knowing exactly who he was going to invite.

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