"Yeah, but I'm an actor. I don't know if I want to be involved-"

"Hey!" Robbie said, cutting Beck off. "I think my astro craft still works." He said as the drone like thing floated in the air.

"I thought I killed that thing." Tori said.

"You may have inflicted some damage, but, watch, as I press return to base and have it come right-" Robbie was but off by the astro craft smacking him in the face and sent him to the ground. I was at his side immediately and adjusted his glasses.

"Nerd down!" Tori announced to everyone in the hallway.

Audition time.

"Okay, Next!" Kyle yelled. Tori went up to the stool and sat down.

"Hey, Tori Vega," Trina said with a smile and then pointed to herself. "Girl."

"We can tell." Mick nodded, making Tori shrug.

"Okay, Tori, this is a really informal audition." Kyle said.

"We just trying to get a feel for your personality." Mick explained.

Seems easy enough.

"Got it. Feel away." Tori said.

"What's the worse thing you've ever done?" Kyle asked.

"Oh. Oh. Wow. Oh, I know! I squirted hot cheese all over my friend, and her current boyfriend, who was my ex boyfriend, then I kissed him right in front of her which I felt bad about. But then it was okay, because she punched me right in the face." Tori admitted.

I remember that. It took me weeks to get my stomach back under control. You don't want to know what those fish did to my stomach.

Kyle bent down to the other girl who was sitting in the chair. "Put a star by this girl."

I went next. "Hi, Brittany Oliver." I said with a wave and smile.

"Ok, Brittany, what is something you want more then anything?" Kyle asked.

I sat there, thinking for a second, before giving them my answer, "Um, I guess it would be to have a writing, and acting career, with the love of my life," I said. I could see Lucas blushing a light red. He knew I was talking about him. "And I hope to spend the rest of my life with him." I added.

They excused me, and I left The Blackbox, happy I auditioned. I smiled, and hoped I got into this TV show. It would definitely be a dream come ture.

Lucas walked up to me, and grabbed me from behind, which made me scream a little, and I started to giggle because he was tickling me.

"Hey, beautiful girl," Lucas said, as he pecked my lips. I blushed, and smiled.
"You nailed that audition." He said as he held me in his arms.

"I know." I said.

"What you said is true. I will always be the love of your life, and no one can take you away from me, and I will have a acting, and writing career with you." Lucas said, and he place his hands in mine, and then kissed me.

I love this boy to death.

We were sitting at lunch. Me and Lucas were feeding each other our foods.

"Hey, Lucas, smell my arm," Trina said to him as she held up her arm to his face. He did as she said and she smiled. "No perfume. That's my natural scent." She smiled and Lucas was obviously weirded out.

"I have to live with her." Tori said.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

The producers and Lane came up to our table and greeted us. We did the same to them. "Kyle has some cool news for you." Lane said.

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