Chapter 1 So...what kind of monster did they breed you into?

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Sorry it took me so long to update guys! ^_^* I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment and vote!


Dani stared miserably at the ceiling of her dorm, staring at the cold metal wishing for the warm comfort of the sun. Her long brown hair was surrounding her head like a halo on her cot. "I hate having to be the bad guy, but what else was I to do. I'm the granddaughter of the originals, as well as the oldest daughter of one of the big three. Who else was going to take charge out there, Hell half of them are idiots," She whispered softly to the ceiling of her dorm. Sighing she looked over to the other occupant of her room, Annie, her 1 year old daughter who was sleeping like a rock, not woken from Dani's musings.

"You have it so easy, you never really knew what its like above. You don't have to miss it like the rest of us and for that I envy you. I wish you didn't have to be part of this so that you could live a normal life my child. Sleep well, I have to go check on everyone." With that farewell to her sleeping child she grabbed a baby monitor and left the dorm.

As she walked the metal isles groaned beneath her feet with each step. Dani peered curiously through the mesh of the walk way to the many isles and floors below. The complex was 10 floors in total she remembered being told by her grandmother when she was little. The top 5 floors containing dorms the rest containing kitchens and labs, all floors being underground at a hidden location. 

Standing back up Dani made her way to 1 of the other 6 dorms on her floor. Knocking softly she waited for the occupant to answer the door. "W-what er oo doin ere?" Asked the very slurred voice of the male occupant.

"I came here to see you Dakota and it appears you have found where the scientists hid the alcohol." Dani said staring at her younger brother in distaste.

"I tolled oo to call me Cody an so what if ima be stuck here ima have fun!" He said waving the nearly empty glass bottle in her face.

"Not on my watch!" she quickly grabbed the bottle from his hand and sent it down the shoot in the wall that led to the incinerator. "Dakota as one of the older kids here you have to set an example to the younger children. I can't believe that it's the first night here and your already wasted!"

"Get the stlick outa ur azz and hava lil fun big sis." He lauged useing his free hand to move his dark hair from his ice blue eyes.

"I would rather not and don't come crying to me when your hung over tomorrow..Idiot." with that Dani walked out slamming the door behind her. As her anger heightened she felt the thirst begin to burn at the back of her throat. "Damn it, If the thirst is getting to even me this quickly what will we do with out being able to go out and hunt." She turned to face the shiny metal walls on the side of a dorm watching as her fangs elongated in the reflection, her eyes turning an electric cobalt blue. She closed her eyes and took a calming breathe to control the thirst and opened her eyes to see her natural brown eyes staring back at her. She sighed and smiled softly as she made her way the the next dorm.



About 2 hours later after visiting all 30 dorms on all 5 floors Dani made her way back to her dorm opening the door softly as to not wake the sleeping child inside. She looked at her watch and smirked,"wow 2 hours and your still asleep that's probably a new record!" After saying that the young child woke with a shrill cry opening its chocolate brown eyes to stare into her own. Dani cursed her self for waking the child as she picked her up and walked to the rocking chair in the dorm. As she slowly rocked Annie back to sleep she sang her a soft lullaby and looked around their dorm. It was like all the other dorms except that it was equipped with a crib and other things for housing a baby. There was a small living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small kitchenette that had a sink, and counter,cabinets, and a mini fridge. 

Eventually the cries stopped and Annie fell back into a peaceful sleep. Dani placed her back in her crib and left the dorm to go search the labs. She walked briskly through the tunnels, across the metal isles, and down the many flights of stairs until she reached the barred doors of the first floor of labs. She typed in the pass code and held her eye to the retina scanner and the bars slid across the doors and into the walls leaving the doors unlocked. Dani then began searching the labs for anything that could be useful to the compound, placing things like medicine and bandages in the bag she was carrying. In one of the desks she even found crayons, markers, and coloring books which she grabbed for the younger children. After the bag was full she placed it by the door and went to search and fill the cooler she also carried with her. What she needed wasn't in any of the offices she had checked and it wasn't in most of the labs. She was close to giving up when she reached the last door on that floor. Inside the door was exactly what she and the 6 other occupants of level 1 needed. BLOOD....And lots of it!

"Thank god! I thought we were done for." She said with a relieved sigh. After placing most of the bags in the cooler she grabbed 1 for her self and felt her fangs elongate. As she was about to pierce the blood bag with her fangs she noticed her reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. She was in three quarters transformation, her long straight brown hair had turned into sleek black ringlets that framed her face. Her eyes had returned to the cobalt blue color and her skin had turned deathly pale. Her lips were a ghostly light blue as if she were truly dead. Dani closed her eyes, ignoring the image and bit into the bag that would keep her alive. It tasted like peaches to her and went down like the sweetest honey. It must have come from a young woman then, considering each age and sex had its own taste and texture. When she was finished she threw the bag into the nearest garbage can and wiped the remnants from her chin. As she looked back at her reflection she noticed she was back to normal and gave a small smile to her reflection.

She had to feed like this once a week and once a year she had to feed from the source and take a life. By taking that life she was feeding off not only the blood but the life force or soul as its called by some. This life force kept her alive for another year until it was time to do it all over again. It was an ugly cycle but every genome creature had its weakness this was just the weakness of the succubi and inccubi. Succubi and Inccubi are often mistaken for vampires but it is truly alot more than that. They are demons in their truest form. In her full form the only difference from the three quarters form is that she has bat wings. All succubi and inccubi have some form of wings that show their personality as well as their power. Each has a special power specifically for them, some also have the ability to pass into the veil, aka the land of the dead and each of them has a spirit who is their familiar.

The succubi and inccubi were the first of the genome creations and it took over 200 years of research to perfect them. After their creation came the regular vampires, then the fairies, after them came the shifters, and last the psychics. Because Dani's Grandmother Sharrelle was the first successful succubus and Dani's father Shylo was her first born and Dani being his first born, it made Dani a kind of royalty or leader for all the others. Which she did not like in the least. Dani didn't like being born what she was, she wishes she was human like her mother, but since she is a half blood she has to forever know she isn't normal and was only created to be a weapon. She was bred pure and simple. She even remembers when she was 3 and was brought to the complex for the first time for testing, Shelby who was also there for the first time had come up to her and looked at her curiously. Dani had liked her until she had heard the words that had come from her mouth.

"So....what kind of monster did they breed you into?"


Hope you guys liked it! ^_^ the photo on the side is of Dakota!

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