It was for the Sushi

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Here's another chapter with  ChaosDancer12MistraltheSkelegirl and   FireladyofInk

".... dammit, why is this so hard...." Misty muttered, tapping at her phone, with a scowl. "Stupid reset...."


Chaos was enjoying the discounted sushi that she was eating....

"Shouldn't we be doing something?" Chaos asked her fellow Admins.

"Please do!" Fate shouted from her place, far far away.

Misty looked up and blinked owlishly, squinting at Chaos.

Chaos had a frown on her face. ".... Oh..... Guys.... We were in the middle of saving Fire..."

Misty's jaw dropped. "HOW DID I FORGET?!"

"That doesn't matter... We need to save Fire... And we need to do it before Fire wakes up, and she figures out that this Fate turned her into a boy!"


Meanwhile, Fate sighed, and once again, she tried to fix Ink, and hopefully, he didn't create character plot holes again, like Dust. She couldn't kidnap more poor souls to fill in for them...

Now, if only she could get him a Soul.... and a brain.


Misty panicked, putting her phone in her pocket. "How?!"

"We give Ink a brain!" Chaos yelled. "That isn't made out of Swiss Cheese...."

Misty stopped, and then, she deadpanned. "Chaos, there is no saving someone that stupid. We need to replace the whole thing."

Chaos nervously chuckled....

".... Chaos?"

"Yes Misty?"

"...... why did you laugh like that?"

"I may have been the one responsible for the Swiss Cheese brain of this Ink...."

"Please insert Ink, warranty not included!" Fresh said skating past them, and vanishing, in one easy step.

"..... what did you do?!"

Meanwhile, Dust blinked, and he almost got speared through by Broomie, in one of the usual battles with Ink and Dream.. And somehow, Blue was missing... Cough...sleepover with Error.

For some strange reason, he felt like smacking... who.. he didn't know?

"..... I might have gotten drunk.... During Searcher's wedding... And I might have accidentally portaled myself to this Multiverse... And I ran into this Ink..."

Misty groaned, burying her head in her hands.

"And he had sushi..."

"You..... you need Sushi Anonymous."

Chaos nodded her head.

Due to this conversation, they missed Abyss somehow falling into the Adminspace, and then, portalling out, back to his journey.

But that's another story...

Misty sighed. "Can you reverse it?"

"I don't know... I had Sugarfree Skittles..."

".... Bruh." Chaos whimpered.

"Dats my line..." Fresh said with an epic pout, as he skated by them again.

This time he didn't vanish, and he just skated about the area.

"I'll start working on his brain..."

"Please....." Misty sighed. "*..And I need to make certain you never come into contact with the sugar free skittles again.... not unless it's an emergency"." She muttered, sitting back down.

Fresh looked down, at the script, should he share this?




Dust scratched his skull, he'd tried... baking.

For some reason, he was sure that he had a bit of skill, and he'd followed the recipe and what it said to do..

"Brother... I think that you have a minus symbol for baking skills..." Ghost Papyrus said.

Why did he have a strange image of that strange temmie and wolf laughing at him?

Misty suddenly felt the urge to snicker and/or groan in exasperation.

"It.. hurts...." Horror cried from under the table, his face was green.

Cross was unconscious.

Dust was banned from baking.

The doom and gloom boy shrugged, he didn't have enough emotions to care, due to his level and slight insanity.

Misty suddenly had the urge to twitch, and find Fire so she could reach her how to freaking bake.... which was weird, because Fire was an okay baker.


Chaos started to laugh... She was dressed up, as a mad scientist... "I shall fix ze brain!"

Sadly, Fire was not there to either help, or stop this moment.

Poor existience.

Chaos crackled, as she started to operate on the Ink.


Ink yelped as he fell through the ceiling of a pit....

Chaos crackled, as she pulled on a rope, to pull the netted Ink out of the Pit. "I have captured za Ink!"

Misty watched for a few seconds, and then, she shrugged and she pulled out her phone, to try and fix it again....

Chaos took the Ink to her lab.

End Flashback


"Hello?" Dream called, no one answered.

The guardian of positivity sighed, Blue was off doing his friendship thing, and Ink had probably wondered off, again.

"I need a hobby.. or more hobbies...." He muttered.

Absently, he began texting Nightmare about how much a flake Ink was, yes... the only way that they could talk without another battle taking place. -

----O----- I

Ink screamed, as he ran away from the crazy scientist.

Nearby, Fresh watched the show, while he was eating popcorn, and randomly scoring the chase with scorecards.

Misty absently tripped him, still messing with her phone. "Come on.... I thought I backed this thing up?"

"At least it was the puppies and not the birdy.." Fresh told her.


A bird, made from fire, held a 6 scorecard from Fresh's shoulder. Chaos crackled, as she dragged Ink back to her lab.

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