i. The Return Of The Witch Bitch Gang

Start from the beginning

'See you in ten months, Baby Jordan,' Lee taunts, kicking her boot with his scruffy shitty trainer.

She wouldn't even mind that stupid nickname, maybe, if she actually was his younger sibling - and technically, she is, but in the eleven-minutes-younger way, not the whole-academic-year way. Although you wouldn't know it; Leo has always, always, always been the more sensible one. Which, to be fair, isn't exactly a difficult feat.

It's probably why everyone hates her. But it's not Leo's fault that she's not her brother, is it? Sue her!

'Yep, fuck you,' she mutters without even looking at his fucking face, storming determinedly through the barrier and onto the platform.

Merlin's tits, she's immediately done. People everywhere, milling about like viruses or pests, and she hates them all. (She does a quick check to see if Lena or PJ are there, and they're not, so yeah, Leo hates them all. Confirmed!) There's judgmental eyes crawling all over her, and the usual whispers of fear and borderline terror, which almost make her smug, because after all the effort she puts in throughout the school year to make sure nobody will ever bully her, it's nice to know that it's paid off every once in a while.

Well, when she says nobody, she excludes her stupid brother, and her stupid brother's friends. The fucking gingers.

They're waiting for him outside the train, like they're the clingiest people ever known to woman. Seriously, waiting for Lee? She doesn't want to be horrible - actually, she doesn't give a shit - but they need to get a life! The Weasley wankers in all their glory, and the Hufflepuff they hang around with, who's half their height and has twice their heart - not like that's hard, exactly.

Leo thinks the Weasley wankers are bullies, plain and simple, and she isn't afraid to admit it, either. She's seen them tyrannising innocent students and teachers far too often. Sure, most of them deserved it, either because they were junior Death Eaters or just fucking annoying, but still. And besides, Leo draws the line at insulting teachers.

She can't tell them apart (who the fuck do you think she is?), but the one who Leo hates the most leers at her, stupid pissing grin all over his stupid pissing face. Wand twirling idly in his pocket. Fred, maybe? 'Nice summer, Baby Jordan?'

Besides him, the tiny Hufflepuff, frowning, tugs at his sleeve, her own red hair bouncing playfully as she does so. The Weasley wanker takes no notice.

'Better than yours, dickhead, but I suppose it isn't your fault that you have to look in the mirror every morning and see your ugly face, knowing you're a twat,' Leo retorts coldly. She slaps her forehead in faux sarcasm. 'Oh! Wait! It is!'

The other Weasley wanker snickers, and even the Hufflepuff girl bites back a laugh. Leo can't remember her name - Johannah, is it? Something pretentious - then realises she actually doesn't give a shit, so stops bothering. In her very important opinion, remembering a Hufflepuff's name isn't something worth getting constipated over!

(Except Lena, of course. But because Lena is actually someone Leo cares about, shock horror, she doesn't count.)

Maybe-Fred's face hardens. 'Your brother was born with humour, Jordan, bit of a shame you weren't, isn't it?'

'Go shag him then,' Leo yawns. 'I was born with brains, anyway, so I think I'll probably be able to live with that.'

And with that, she leaves him nursing his fragile masculinity, kicking away the baggage trolley and boarding the train without looking back once.

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