You: You didn't go home for Christmas this year?
Ron: No, my family went to visit Charlie in Romania, again.
You: Oh, okay.

Suddenly Harry walks over mad as he stares at you and Ron dancing.

Harry: Cho is moving. She isn't staying at Hogwarts anymore. Just as I get the courage to ask her out, she decides to move.
You: Harry, what about Ginny? She has liked you for years and she's awfully sweet.

Harry looks at you and then at Ron.

Ron: Hey, I approve, go ahead. Your better than half the idiots in this school.
Harry: Okay, second times a charm.
You: It's third, not second.
Harry: Whatever.

You look back at Ron as he stares down at his feet. You look around and see Alice with a worried look on her face. You raise an eyebrow and she mouths, "Malfoy." You quickly turn your head and see Draco sitting in a chair sending you a death glare. He turns his head to Pansy as she asks him to dance. He nods and follows her out onto the dance floor. Your heart immediately shatters right there. You turn your head to look at Ron trying not to look at Pansy flirt with Draco. You decide to talk with Ron to take your mind off of him.

You: Your brother's told me that you had something to tell me?
Ron: They what!?

Ron quickly looks at Fred and George as they are smirking and making faces at him. He rolls his eyes and looks back down at you.

Ron: Yeah, I guess I do have something...
You: Well, what is it?
Ron: Well, I have known you for many years and well...

Oh no. You know this nervous talk. What are you supposed to say? How are you going to react? What will your face say? You turn and look and see that Draco is right near you guys so he can hear you. Ugh. Why!

Ron: Well... I was wondering if you wanted to go out... with me?

He looks down at you nervously. He is super sweet. How can anyone say no. But you have too.

You: Ron that's so sweet but...
Ron: Bloody hell.
You: What?
Ron: They're going to get caught.
You: Who?
Ron: Behind you.

You turn your head and look at the thing that absolutely shatters you. You see Pansy kiss Draco right in front of you. Not again. You quickly look back at Ron trying to compose yourself.

You: Uhm...Ron...I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to date, yet. With the whole Cedric cheating on me thing... I hope that doesn't...
Ron: No, I completely get it. I should have waited 'till...
You: No it's okay, it was sweet. Uhm...would you excuse me.

Ron nods as you let go of him just as the song ends. You walk out of the great hall as you see Draco with a worried look on his face. You hear Alice whisper something as Pansy walks away from him...

Alice: Hope your happy dipshit.

You hear Alice follow you all the way to your dorm room. You plop down on your bed as you hear Alice lock the door and walk over to you. You immediately break down as Alice wraps her arms around you.

You: Do I have, 'please cheat on me' written on me somewhere that I don't know about? How could that happen twice within months of each other.
Alice: No, don't break yourself down. Pansy was the one who kissed him but he didn't push her off.
You: Why did he do it?
Alice: He heard Ron ask you out and then Pansy took his face and kissed him. As soon as you said no he quickly pushed her off and watched as you walked away.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. You know immediately who it is.

You: Don't open the door.
Alice: Piss off!

Draco doesn't listen and unlocks the door, walking in with his wand in his hand.

Alice: What point of 'piss off' do you not fucking understand?
Draco: I need to talk to Anastasia.
Alice: She doesn't want to fucking talk to you.
Draco: I think she can fucking speak for herself.

You look up at Draco with your mascara dripping down your face, he looks at your face, his immediately dropping all expression.

You: I don't want to fucking talk to you.
Draco: Please. You need to hear me out... I...
Alice: She said she doesn't want to talk to you, leave!

Draco sits down on the chair in the corner and waits for you. Alice stares daggers at him as he stares at you. You look at Alice and whisper to her...

You: I guess I should talk to him. He won't leave if I don't.
Alice(whisper): You don't have to, I can make him leave...
You(whisper): No it's okay, really.

You both look at him and he sits there and waits for a response. You just sigh and climb out of bed and walk out of you room to his. You can hear his footsteps follow you as you open his door.

Can't Have You | D.M. | 18+Where stories live. Discover now