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I sighed as I looked at my recently finished flower painting, I saw every flaw and paint stroke. Despite how my close friends who knew what did said my pieces were gorgeous, I couldn't help but silently laugh at how oblivious they are to the mistakes. 

I left the new painting to dry as I moved to my PC. I went to twitch and noticed several people were live. Dream, TommyInnit, SapNap, and Punz. There was a new one, Wilbur Soot. I decided to watch his stream, he was playing rust and talking about his songs. I looked up 'Wilbur Soot' on Spotify and listened to the songs listed. They were good songs, also catchy so I just sat and listened. Eventually, the end of his stream came and he made an announcement. 

"I'll be opening my DMs on Twitter!", Wilbur's voice screamed excitedly before he continued. I honestly got intrigued and listened. 

"For anybody who wants to talk to me or befriend me, my DMs will be open for the next hour!", He said before ending his stream. I looked up his Twitter to find he has A LOT of followers. I pressed the blue DM button and wrote the following:

'Hey, im Y/N, uhh I just watched your stream and I guess I wanna be friends? idk im lonely and have nothing better to do. Hopefully that doesnt sound offensive.'

I looked it over, anxiety taking over my actions, before I thought about it too much I sent the message. I didn't expect an immediate reply but it was a little disappointing whenever I didn't get one within the first 5 minutes.

~15 minutes later~
I got a notification from Twitter and saw that Wilbur had replied to me.

Wilbur Soot
Hey there Y/N! it wasnt offensive at all

That's good

Wilbur Soot
So what do you like to do?

Art and gaming ig? I dont really know

Wilbur Soot
Thats cool


~2 hours later~

We spent so long talking to each other, it felt natural. We eventually both had to stop though. I felt a little pained seeing as this had been a new friend. Either way, I got up from my PC and got ready for bed. Skipping dinner as I wasn't hungry. I went to sleep in my bed that is hard as rocks. Britain is very different than America. Shouldn't I be used to it since I've been living here since I was 16? Nah, I'm good... I think. 

All I know is that I can't wait to talk to Wilbur tomorrow. 

Wilbur POV

I stopped talking to Y/N, to be honest, he seems really interesting. Although it was 9 pm where we lived (he has the same timezone), I didn't want to stop talking. It felt right to be talking with him, the conversation flows naturally. No matter how awkward either of us is. 

I got ready for bed, ate dinner, and got in bed. tired from the stream and anxious that I made a fool out of myself by opening my DMs for that one hour. Hell, the only one I friended was Y/N. I don't regret it, in fact, I was excited and happy that I met Y/N. I'm just worried about my image as a streamer, YouTuber, and artist, that I was cherry-picking people I liked. I put those thoughts in the back of my mind, trying to ignore my paranoia about the situation, and looked forward to the conversations I and Y/N could have together. Maybe, we'll become good friends, who knows?


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