"Hahaha, what? Really? That's crazy..."

Chouchou seemed to be in a good mood and that made Mitsuki happy too. He heard her say

"I'm the opposite, I hate sleeves."

"I figured it out."

"Uhu, I like to feel my arms unrestricted and free!"

She took both of her hands behind her head in a cheerful way. Chouchou certainly looked radiant today.

"Did something good happened?"

"Hn, why do you ask?"

He scratched his nape looking away

"Forget it."


"Mitsukiiii, if you ask me to forget, I'm going to do the opposite."

She poked his arm while saying the following

"I will hear you, OK?"

Mitsuki looked into Chouchou's eyes and knew she was sincere. He relaxed and tried to open to her more, even if the events of his birthday still haunted him a little

"For you to be this cheerful... It's a weird sight for me."

Chouchou blinked a couple of times. Was she THAT apathetic around Mitsuki? She scratched her cheek feeling a bit of shame

"Well, hehe..."

"It's a se-cret!"

And now she was putting one of her hands on her waist, making a weird sultry pose while winking to Mitsuki. He remained still for a while as if he was caught under genjutsu

"Ah... A secret..."

Chouchou whipped her long hair elegantly

"Yes, every beautiful lady has to have them, you know?"

First time Mitsuki heard that. He just smiled because he enjoyed this crazy side of Chouchou too.

"But if you treat me right today, maybe I can reveal it to you."

That sounded like a challenge to him. 

"Then what would you like to do today?"

Chouchou shook her head while making a no-no gesture with her finger

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Mitsuki you have to show me how much you have grown these past days."

Then she pointed up to him

"It's up to you to choose what we are doing this night."

Mitsuki half-closed his eyes while smiling thinly. They were surely in the busiest part of Konoha. At night there were many places with neon signals and colorful lights. A bit chaotic for his taste but some places seemed alluring, just like the one that was at the corner of the street.

"How about we go to that one?"

"Oh, you want to see a movie? Sounds like fun!"

Then Chouchou took his arm and pulled him forward cheerfully laughing which was contagious for him, so he laughed as well. Everything was settled for it to be a good night.


The auditorium seemed to be pitch dark at first but there were some bright lights on the sides which allow them to find their seat. It was still a bit early for the movie to start, or even buy the several snacks Chouchou got for them, but better safe than sorry.  Said movie was recently in theaters and it was quite popular. When they settled in a pair of seats in the middle of the room, Chouchou commented

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