I hate

I hate

I hate


What's wrong with her

Did you hear? Her father died

Poor girl

Does she even have friends?

I hear them everyday

In the hallway

At lunch

In the classroom

The whispers

Get louder

They take over my thoughts




I scream at them

I hit them

My rage fuels me

I scream louder

Then someone takes me away

The ones I attacked have tears

They don't know what it's like to feel real pain

Like I do


Today there is a new girl

She is everything I'm not

She has perfect blonde hair that is tucked into neat braids

Mine is a boring brown that's frizzy and messy

She has crystal clear blue eyes

My eyes are a dirty hazel

She has a bright smile, painted with pink lipstick

My smile is crooked, but no one sees it anymore

She wears a pink shirt with flowers on it

I wear a black sweatshirt with brown pants

She is smart, and answers all the questions

I'm dumb, and I never raise my hand (But that doesn't mean the teachers don't call on me still)

She is confident and not afraid to stand up to bullies

I shrink into my chair and hate attention

The only similarity is

We don't have friends


Hi, I'm Sarah

New girl says

She takes a seat next to me


I mumble

She smiles that bright smile

I scowl

She hands me a piece of paper

The project

Who are you closest to in your family?

Why is that?

Who in your family do you connect with the most?

Why is that?

What are some of your family traditions?

I rip the paper in half


I have not cried once

Since he died

Why now

Why with her

Why this project

Why me





Like a stream


The stream

Turns into a river

It continues

to flow




I feel someone put thier hand on my shoulder

I don't know who

I'm blinded by my tears

Their hands are soft


She speaks slowly

Pulling me out of my sobbing trance

I see blonde braids

and blue eyes

But the joy is gone

Replaced by worry and...


It's ok

She says

We'll get through this



Sarah tells me stories

of her sister


They would play together

They would eat together

Walk together

Talk together

Just like me and dad

She tells me

about the coughing

The high temperatures

The eventual hospital visits

She tells me that she stayed strong

That she had too

For Julia

She tells me the day

that Julia died

She cried

and cried

and cried

She tells me

You can cry too

So I did

And this time

we cried


Stormy Day: An angst poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now