Brain Damage Huh?

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One week later..... Bella

He left. Rex left. Cindy's heart was broken. Well in my opinion. I think she shouldn't be thinking about him at a time like this. We need to solve this. I looked around the school yesterday at the crime scene. Only to discover two clues, there was a broken graduated cylinder and a small green sticky thing I looked at both clues( the green sticky stuff was just gum) the cylinder was very important it may mean something.


I followed the girls (mostly just Cindy cause she

had the powers) why was I following them? Well easy , because the same thing happened to me only I didn't crash. It all happened like this......... I was walking to school with my mom the eight grade science teacher she had helped me with my science experiment. I didn't know what it did but she said just break the graduated cylinder and you'll see. While we were talking, we both didn't notice that we

were crossing the parking lot and that a car was coming our way. The car stopped but the student in the back was hurt with the front of the seat which I think was Cindy. I kept on walking, while my mom took care of things there. I walked through the building to the bus stop side I Checked the cylinder to check it wasn't Broken. NOOOOOOO it was broken. I threw it across the road it landed in the middle. Oh well the bus will suffer , as the bus came I went through the doors my mom was heading towards the bus stop. To greet the students oh well. I have a backup science project. She headed out. I went to the cafeteria people were crowding around me when I noticed Bella's ID hers was BURNED! I looked down at mine it was slimy, i quickly wiped it off. Hopefully no one noticed. I don't think anyone did. I walked towards Cindy. I was going to lye to her I needed to follow her. She was hiding something I know she was. I told her i know he is with Bella now. she looked at me , And walked away . We're in the same homeroom class . And now I'm following her. I saw her in ElA with her power when she looked towards me I quickly pretended I was looking for a pencil in my backpack. Right now it seems like she is going to softball. I quit sir because I don't have time for my friendships any more sorry. And like that she walked away I looked back at the coach he just shrugged. And walked away. Wow, If I knew anything about manners he sure doesn't have any. I followed Cindy now. She went to Bella's house now what could be happening?


I walked to Bella's house Bella called me she said she had found something important. I knocked on the door ,She opened it. Oh hi Cindy come inside. Um we'll I don't want to be rude or anything but shouldn't you be at softball practice? I quit ,I looked down. It wasn't an easy thing to do . Of course i didn't say that out loud. Oh... Bella came to hug me are you ok? Yes I am. Oh and why did you call me ? Her face instantly glowed with a smile. Come follow me. I followed her to her room it was normal. A big question mark possible appeared on my face because Bella said: don't worry this isn't it. She stopped at her carpet and told me to step on the flower on the carpet I was deeply confused but I did so any way. immediately we both went down , down a tunnel or something. When we were on ground again I

could of kissed it.WOW it looked like a professional lab! Yup this is my lab said Bella with pride. I was so amazed. I had ton of questions but I only asked one. Does your mom know about it? No I haven't told her yet. Oh. Well let's get started shall we ? Cindy? Okay let's do it.


I showed her the Brocken graduated cylinder. It was at the crime scene. She grabbed it and started studying it. After she studied it I decided to bring up the topic about the party . I said well I want to invite you to my pool party just for fun , tons of people will be there. Okay she said very excitedly I hugged her. Oh thank you thank you thank you she slightly pulled me away. okay you thanked me enough. She said quietly. I can't wait really Bella, oh but when is

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