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Winwin's p.o.v

We decided instead of trying to fight the guards we were gonna start a fire it would be the easiest thing to do since they would have to evacuate everyone out the building and that would be our chance to make a run for it

This was ten's idea he knew a way to start a fire but it took days because it had to be a day where the sun shined the brightest and after a week that day happened the night before we asked all guards can we get a lot of wheat and grass like food they were confused but that's exactly what they gave us for breakfast and it helped us even more since it was dry we put all that in front of the window where the sun shined bright on it and we waited until a fire happened and that's when we started yelling because the fire spread fast

Soon enough someone came and rushed us out the room while running out I kicked the leftover fire grass patches into the hallway of the hospital  making it a bigger fire (thank god they used a rug)

We made our way out the door of the hospital and I smelt freedom as I breathed the fresh air of the world I was happy to finally be out we all had big smiles on our faces it was the first time I had seen all my new friends smile joyously

We ran as far as we could from the hospital not caring where we were going and soon enough we were back in civilization one of my friends hendery where about to run in the street but I quickly pushed him back I felt deja vu from when I first heard y/n was in an accident

It made me think maybe if I remember the directions of her house we could all crash there for one night before I help them find a house I let my feet guide me thinking they have muscle memory from when I walked there before but instead it lead me to a big building labeled sm entertainment I almost forgot I worked here and it made me remember how angry I was with my members

I stormed in the building with wayv following behind me

Lucas: where are we going?

I didn't answer only rage was in my mind as I looked for the dorm room labeled nct 127 people looked at us like we were crazy but I could care less once I found the room I banged on the door

Taeyong: winwin your back? Who are these people behind you??

I felt my hand rise and punch him in his face I truly was angry that they placed me in that hell

Collab on this chapter with mah bestie achaoticbitch

Psycho Love [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora