he's ok.. i guess..

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Throughout his childhood Shawn felt like he suppressed something.. he was never sure what but something

Just Another day in Santa Barbara, Shawn Spencer is driving his motorcycle to the police station, where he worked. As you all know everyone there is fooled that he is a physic, except his best friend Gus and his dad Henry. Everyone else had absolutely no idea it was all a ruse.
Shawn looked around, Santa Barbara was much bigger than people gave it credit for. It was very relaxing to drive down the street, especially when there wasn't a murderer on the loose like almost every week.
He arrived at the police station, and Gus arrived soon after. Lassiter was at his desk somewhat content just sorting papers until he saw Shawn, every day their eyes would meet and the spark of kindness in Carlton's eyes was suffocated. Every day, just by seeing Shawn his day would be ruined. He never admitted it to Lassiter, but this always would hurt him, break a piece of his heart off, he wasn't sure why, he didn't even like Lassiter. But Shawn would just smile and ignore it with some joke that made Lassiter even angrier.

"Hey lassie!" That was Shawns "cute" nickname for Carlton "looks like you had a great time last night making out with your hair gel"

"Is that the best you could come up with Spencer?" Lassiter replied 

"In fact yes"

"Well Then I have a case to do so get out of my way"

"What's the case?"

"None of your business" Lassiter starts to walk away. Shawn follows him and nags until he gets to the end of the hall.

"Come on Lassie! Just a little peak!"

Lassiter gives up and groans "if you really need to know a girl was found dead in her car, Woody is analysing it as we speak, now stay out of my case Spencer!" Shawn only laughed, like he was going to leave him alone, silly.
Shawn got there first

"Hey woody!"

"Oh hey shawn I didn't know you were working in this case!"

"Yeah uh what do we have?" 

"So she ran into a tree and it seemed a branch somehow impaled her"


"Well I also found-" Lassiter, Juliet, and the chief walk in, Gus is standing in the doorway.

"Hey gus, buddy? You're going to miss the action" shawn called out.

"No, i'll stay over here.."

"Come on you'll love it"

"Shawn. no."

"Come on gus i-"

"Shut it you two" Carlton said sternly "Woody, what do you have to say"

"Has been identified as Tracy Skylar, 22, death is seemed to be caused by being impaled by a tree"

"Well that's all i need to know, she was driving recklessly, wasn't looking, and boom! Tree."

"But-" Woody continued "theres rope marks on her wrists, she was tied up"

Shawn smiled brightly at this statement, he looked Lassiter right in the eyes and put one finger to his temple "everyone! I am sensing our dear Tracy, was a victim of murder!" He put his hand down and looked in Carlton's eyes for any emotion, any response, there was none. The chief replied instead.

"And why would you think that Mr. Spencer?"

"Well Karen-"

"Don't call me karen"

"Chief- i believe she was killed before she was ever in the car"

The Chief stopped for a moment and looked up "Lassiter I'm Letting him in on your case"

"What? Him? But all he did was" Lassiter makes a mocking version of Shawns finger motion.

"His physic visions will be very helpful in this" 

Lassiters sigh hurt Shawn, why did he hate him so much, where did he go wrong in their relationship. Shawn went over every moment in his head as he walked out of the police department with Gus.

637 words... more then my school essays

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