Chapter 2

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When Alice got home her parents were shocked. They had no idea why their daughter was either sad or hurt. Alice's mother tried talking to her, but the door to Alice's room was locked and she wouldn't let her mother in. She thought that maybe Hermione would do a better job at getting Alice to talk. So she went to her house since it was late and brought her there.

Hermione walked upstairs and knocked on the door. "Alice, your mom said-" she didn't finish her sentence because Alice opened the door and pulled her inside. "Dios mios, what happened?"

Alice told her everything, every little detail and Alice's heart ached as she did so, tears were streaming down her face. She hated it. "You'll talk and everything will be-"

"No Hermione, we won't! If this is what he wants fine, we're done!" Alice wiped away her tears as she took a few deep breaths.

"How about the baby? You can't not tell him Alice, he deserves to know." Hermione lowered her voice and Alice shook her head.

"I'll see, I don't know. Please let's stop talking." Alice begged Hermione and her friend couldn't force her to talk more. So they both laid down in bed, Alice has a hand placed over her stomach. Her little baby, she loved the baby, it was so early in the pregnancy and she was supposed to be scared because she was young, but she wasn't. However, she couldn't have a baby without the father.

So the next day at school Alice put on some make-up, not to look like she had been beaten the night before. She went to FP's locker after lunch, wanting to talk to him. But when she got there she saw FP kissing a brunette, no other than Gladys Jones. "I guess we were just for show." Alice whispered under her breath before she went to the bathroom, she felt like crying and she didn't want to do it in front of the whole school, everyone was already talking.

FP knew Alice saw them. He didn't want to do it to her, it hurt her and it hurt him. But it was the one way he could think of to keep her away from him and it work. However, because of it FP got in a relationship with his fellow Serpent, Gladys.

Months later Alice gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Her stay there was horrific and the idea of leaving the baby there all alone broke her heart, but she had to. She was promised he'd be adopted by a good family. No one else knew about the baby, about Charles, except Hal Cooper, the person that forced Alice to give the baby up.

~ ~ ~

Years passed by, long years while FP and Alice moved on with their lives, however neither of them forgot about the other. How could they? When their love was so big. However, their love didn't stop either of them from having their own family. Alice and Hal had two beautiful daughters, Polly and Betty. Polly left for college with her boyfriend, Jason and Betty was still in high school. FP had children too, a son and a daughter, but Gladys left with Jellybean and FP was alone with Jughead. He tried being the best father he could be.

Despite living in the same town FP and Alice didn't see each other much. They had a lot of things to say to each other, but the thought of a meeting to do so scared the both of them. There were so many secret wishes, so many unsaid things and they started thinking much more often about them because they had more time on their hands ever since the children grew up.

It was Betty's and Jughead's sophomore year and since they didn't get to go to prom together when they were freshmen because they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend they decided to go now. Before prom Betty invited Jughead and his father to have dinner at her house. Hal hated the idea and Alice was scared of what might happen, as for FP, he didn't like it, seeing Alice would bring him as much joy as it would bring pain.

Eventually time for that dinner came. FP and Jughead were at the door. Jughead quickly said 'hi' and he went inside with his girlfriend. "Hal, Alice, nice to see you."

"FP." Even saying that name drove Alice crazy. She felt like she could barely breath and she was unusually grateful when Hal pulled her inside and they all walked to the table. At first they made small talk, well everyone but Alice. She couldn't talk, her throat was dry, she was pale, having FP there made her like that.

"How was your prom Mr. Jones? Mom said she didn't go." Betty asked and FP had to stop himself from telling Betty that was a lie. His first dance was with her.

"Perfect." FP smiled. "I was with the most caring, loving, beautiful woman I have ever met." FP was already lost in thoughts. He kept on talking and he didn't notice the change of looks between Hal and Alice, her husband was angry. "We danced all night long. It was the first time I told her I loved her."

Alice couldn't believe FP was talking like that about her. It melted her heart, she loved it, but at the same time she hated it because he left her. He broke her heart and left her.

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