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      Harry's once-heavy eyelids shot wide open instantly, recoiling in the bright light of early morning. His worn, lint-covered pajama pants slipped down his waist as he ripped the large, thick blanket off of his body. "Wake up, Ron." He shook his best friend by his lanky frame as his ears popped mid-snore.

      Hermione sat waiting at the breakfast table, pouring a bowl of Cheery-Owls, with the cereal first as a rational one should do in her mind. She didn't greet Harry with a hug and Ron with a kiss as she usually would. Instead, she slammed down a dusty old tome as she glared over at the Slytherin table. "Just in time," She wiped the droplets of milk off her mouth. Ginny, who had sneakily appeared next to her, was imitating her expression, her thin, ashy eyebrows furrowing.

      "That git," She pursed her lips. "Even after his father's back in Azkaban, he's still like this." Ginny fumed. Harry had to see it for himself. Silently, he whipped around in time to see Draco Malfoy, pale and pointed as ever, standing on the rightmost bench. His lips carried a seemingly permanent sneer, holding the sleeve of his robe backward. It might have just been his eyes getting used to the light, but the arm Draco showed bored a glowing symbol. Turning back around in disbelief, he continued to eat. Realizing he hadn't caught the design, nor the color, he didn't dare turn back around for a second look in fear their eyes would meet across the hall.


      The day dragged on, and now Harry sat in History of magic. His ears subconsciously drowned out the monotonous lecture ahead as he doodled scratchily with his quill, creating designs that could end up on his bare wrist. His mind drifted off to the encounter he'd had earlier that afternoon.

      "Hey, Harry." A skinny Hufflepuff girl with a large book bag waddled up to the corner he stood in.

      "Hi, what can I do for you?" She blushed a furious pink.

      "C-Could we compare marks?" Her arms went to her front. "That is, if anything's visible for you..."

      "Nothing's there yet-" It was his turn to get embarrassed about the matter.

      "Oh," She walked away, disappointed.

      Harry cringed at the memory, feeling left out on the whole soulmate ordeal. It had seemed as if everyone his age had started to itch and burn. Few like Malfoy were even fully developed. His stomach flipped in anticipation, as his cheek smudged the ink on the thin parchment onto his skin.

soulmates//a drarry storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum