Chapter 2

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3rd POV

They all started fighting each other. Muscular came after Izuku trying to kidnap him but Izuku wouldn't let him. "Oh come on pretty boy~ let me have you" muscular told him. Izuku froze memories flooding his mind. He snapped out of his as muscular started laughing. Izuku snapped. He used his shadow quirk "YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME BITCH" Izuku yelled out making everyone including the league stop and look at them. Muscular stood frozen as shadows surrounded Izuku, his green eyes now a glowing blood red his green fluffy hair now laid straight and dark black. "Oh but come one pretty boy~ you look like you taste amazing." Muscular said in a demonic seductive voice. Everyone, even the league and Tomura Shigaraki himself was disgusted.

In a blink of an eye Izuku tore him apart. Blood going everywhere. Izuku had snapped out of his rage state and looked at the body parts laying next to him. "That bitch died a long time ago. Never will I ever go through that bullshit again." Izuku said in a deep threatening voice that boomed across the forest. The heroics class stood frozen everyone but Katsuki and Monoma were making comments "He's a fucking monster!" , "he's a villain!" , "he just murdered him and doesn't even care!" The villains however felt bad for Izuku, some knew exactly why he was talking about until on voice came from the heroes in training "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE HAS GONE THROUGH IN HIS LIFE AND YOU SIT HERE AND BE A BUNCH OF IGNORANT DICKS!" That voice was none other than Monoma. Everyone was shocked "You don't even like out class!" , "Yes were serious! He's a fucking monster!" "he doesn't deserve to be a hero! He's a villain" while they were all arguing they didn't realize on of the villains going toward Izuku who was having a mental break down

Izukus POV
I snapped out of my thoughts of hearing my classmates saying all types of things about me and it hurt hard. It wasn't the first time I heard them but I haven't heard those words towards me in so long that I started having a panic attack, the voices yelling the same thing, I couldn't stop anything I fell to my knees pulling my hair crying until I heard a calming voice "Hey kid, are you okay?" I couldn't talk all I could do was shake my head no. I didn't even know who it was "Cna I touch you? I won't hurt you I just want to hug you, you don't have to be afraid of me" He says his voice still calm but I could sense the worry in it so I just nodded my head and he quickly brought my head to his chest and held me. I could hear his heart beat and it was calming me down I felt his hands going through my hair "is it okay if I take you out of here?" He whispered in my ear all I could do was nod my hair too scared to say anything he stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and one arm around the back of his neck while the other was still gripping his shirt like I was from depending on it. A few seconds later all the yelling as gone and it was a calming quiet place. We sat down on what I think was the couch I couldn't stop crying no matter what he did. All those years of holding everything in just suddenly came out with my tears "I am a monster" was the first words I've said since then. "Hey, you are not a monster. I'm not sure what happened but I also wanted to kill him once he said that to you, everyone was disgusted by it. You are not a monster at all" he said I didn't want to look up because I knew I was a god damn mess. I couldn't stop crying. I nuzzled my head back into his chest and soon enough sleep took over me and I was out.

Shigarakis POV

I sent muscular to get Izuku, we've been spying on class 1-A and we all seen that out of everyone he was the one wearing a fake smile, I could see his eyes were dull and filled with nothing but sadness. We agreed to kidnap him. We didn't want to force him to become a villain. We all wanted to help him. It was time for us to go get Izuku, everything was going great until we all heard Izuku yell everyone stopped. This whole time I had a bad feeling about sending Muscular and I didn't know why. Until I heard "Oh but come on pretty boy~ you look like you taste amazing" I wanted to throw up. I was about to go kill him myself until I self until I seen something in Izukus eyes Snap, he tore him apart that a dog with a rag doll. After he calmed down I heard him saying that he will never let that happen again Dabi and I looked at each other. The whole league was sad at hearing those words but the hero's. They were pissed at what the just seen. They started calling him a monster and a villain. I looked back over to Izuku and he was having a mental brake down and no one seemed to care Dabi went to go comfort him but I stopped him. "Let me do it.." I said and Dabi looked at me surprised "Don't hurt him even more." I just glared at him. I walked up to him asking if he was okay, he shook his head no. I asked if I could touch him and that I wouldn't hurt him. My heart hurt so much seeing him like this. We may be villains but we're still human and have emotions. He let me hold him and I immediately jumped at him and pulled his head to my chest, I know that hearing another's heart beat calms you down. I could instantly feel him calm down not by much but just a little. His classmates didn't even notice me with him. What kind of heroes are these kids? I thought to myself. I asked him if he wanted to get away from here and I wa surprised when he agreed. I don't think he even knows who's comforting him right now. I hope he won't be pissed off with me later. I looked over a Dabi and nodded he called kurogiri and as I stood up Izuku wrapped around me like a Koala but he gripped onto my shirt as if he was scared I would leave him. I held him close to me. And walked through the portal. I don't think any one even noticed.

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