Chapter 12

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Peters POV:

i was miserable. i couldn't stand being away from her this long. i have to find some way to reach her or get her back here.

i had tried everything, even sending my shadow to her multiple times but rumple had put a spell on that stupid antique shop.

"pan are you okay?" Felix asks me as i sit on a log by the fire


Felix winced "look I'm sorry, i just need to get her back" i said

"i know. we miss her too"  Felix said

Tessa's POV:

"ummm 2 pancakes please" i said to the lady behind the counter at Granny's

"coming right up" 

"hey Tessa!" Henry said sitting on the bar stool next to me

"oh hey Henry!" i said

"so Henry you may not wanna help me but i really need help getting back to pan" i said when my pancakes had arrived

he winced a little and said "well, there is one way"

my eyes lit up "how?!" i practically yelled

"well rumple has a bracelet, somewhere in his shop, that will let you grow a mermaid tail."

"and mermaids can pass through realms. that's genius Henry!"

i paid for my pancakes and left the diner with Henry

when we got to the store rumple wasn't there. good. 

"okay ill start in the back room and you look around in here" i told Henry


i walked to the back room where i stayed. there was a little desk and the desk had many drawers.

i looked through each drawer finding nothing when i came across a letter

To my dearest Rumple,

i hid it by the well in the forest.


Belle? as in from beauty and the beast? well? what well? in the forest? there were so many questions that needed answering. heck, we might as well go look for it.

"Henry wheres the well in the forest?" i asked him

"how do you know about that?" he asked

i showed him the note and his face paled a little. 

"lets go look" he said

i nodded and we walked out of the shop heading for the forest

the well was farther in the forest than i had expected. the well was deep and dull looking. it smelled of mold and looked extremely old. 

"so where do you think whatever belle buried is? i asked Henry

"i don't know but where ever it is its not gonna be easy to get it." Henry said

i nodded in agreement

about 4 feet away from the well was a small lump in the ground. there was no grass growing on it so it looked freshly dug. 

"Henry look!" i said running over to it

i dug out a little box. it was about 7 inches wide and 12 inches long.

"what do you thinks in there?" Henry asked me

"i have no idea" i said trying to open it. it was locked

"hold on look there's something else in the hole" Henry said reaching down into the hole to bring up a golden key

i stuck the key in the key hole and unlocked the box.

inside the box was rumple's dagger. the one that could kill him.

i ran my fingers over the cold metal "oh my gosh" i said

Henry looked equally as shocked as me.

"we should put it back in the ground." Henry said

"are you crazy?! this could be my one shot out of here!"  i exclaimed

"yeah but if rumple sees that its gone before you kill him he's gonna know you took it." Henry pleaded

"you're right. look we'll bury the dagger back but I'm gonna keep the key." i said sliding the key into my boot

Henry nodded and helped me bury the box back into the ground, leaving it looking like we had never been there.


it had been a couple days since me and Henry found the dagger and Regina called me asking me to come over for lunch. i politely agreed and was heading over there now

i knocked on the door and Regina answered it

"ahhh Tessa how nice of you to come" she said opening the door wider for me to enter

"thanks for inviting me. where's Henry?" i asked

"oh tonight its only gonna be me and you. he's at emma's house." she said

i nodded and followed her to the dining room

we sat and ate our spaghetti in silence for a while until Regina broke it

"so i realized why you looked so familiar to me when we first met." she said

"really?" i asked taking a sip of my water

"yeah and....this may come to a shock to you, but....your my daughter." she said

i nearly chocked on my water and stared at her realizing that our features did somehow resemble each others.


ohhhhh plot twist! Tessa is Regina's daughter! find out how in the next chapter!

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