sungchan sighed at the memory of the meeting, his hands moving to his back pocket to grab the box with the ring inside. however, he felt the pocket being empty. he felt his other pockets, noticing they were empty too.

he immediately got up, looking around to see if he had accidentally dropped the little box somewhere. "father is going to kill me"


sungchan turned around only to be met by haechan. "you startled me" the young prince brought out.

"good, now tell me why your father is going to kill you?" haechan asked, sitting down at the bench sungchan sat on not too long ago.

"i lost it" sungchan said, grabbing his hair in stress.

"what did you lose? you have to be a little more specific you know, since you own like almost all of the kingdom" haechan joked around.

sungchans eyes shot up to meet haechans like daggers. "this isn't something to joke about. i lost the engagement ring."

haechan fake gasped. "oh no, you really lost it?" he replied, trying his best to hold in his laugh.

"lee donghyuck i'm going to behead you when i'm king" sungchan let out irritated.

"jung sungchan relaxe, i know where it is" haechan told the desperate boy. "aera has it, she found it last time on the same bench i'm warming up with my butt right now"

sungchan made a grossed out face by the weird choice of words. "right.. so where is she"

"right where she is most of the time" haechan simply told her best friend, unbothered by the look he was given.

"and where is that?" sungchan asked, loosing his patience.

"on the eastern balcony of course, asking me if i knew where you was for days. ordering me to send you to her if would see you. slightly anno-" before haechan could finish his words, sungchan had already left for the eastern balcony.

he ran thought all the halls, up the stairs to the balcony. there she was, staring at the view infront of him. he noticed himself staring at her and shrug it off.

he walked towards her as she turned her head around, greeting him with a kind smile and the words: "my prince"

he felt this sudden feeling that he could share everything with her, so when she asked him about the ring, he honestly answered her.

the feeling made him realise that maybe he did have a chance in love. maybe he could find his soulmate and be happy with her.

suddenly aera asked him if she could see his soulmate mark.

she would be the first person that he had ever shown his mark willingly to. he stared at her with doubt before slowly lifting up his sleeve, revealing the small mark.

it was a dove, simple but beautifully etched onto his skin and aera gasped when she saw the mark, yanking up her own sleeve to stare down at her own soulmate mark.

sungchan stared at her mark too, in awe. could it possibly be a coincidence that they had the same marks, or had she been living under his nose this entire time?

he looked at her before looking back at the mark once again, slowly moving his hand to her mark. when his finger merely grazed her skin, a bright light emitted from both of their marks and then disappeared again.

"it's you." sungchan breathed out, feeling total shock. "it's been you all along"

he felt himself getting drawn to her, staring at her eyes. he noticed how close they were to each other, he could feel her breath on his lips.

time seemed to stand still, his heartbeat being louder than normal. his gaze slowly went down to her lips, slowly moving his face closer to hers.

just when their lips were about to touch, sungchan remembered his fathers words.

"this marriage isn't about love sungchan. it's about alliance and trust. it's for our kingdom and for the safety of our people. that's your duty and that's where your priorities should be, not some girl or love."

his head shot back, standing up after. "i'm sorry" he mumbled before walking off of the balcony, leaving aera behind all on her own.

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