1: Meeting Karl

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A/N: Everyone in the story is 21. If the cc's feels uncomfortable with this story I will not hesitate to take it down. Get ready for some cringe. 

Y/n walked into a gas station to buy some snacks for the long road trip. A storm had picked up and she was beginning to worry that it could delay her trip if it got any worse. Another man in the store looked familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Was he from her school? No, I would've recognized him instantly. She broke out of her trance when she saw him awkwardly look up and her and smile.

"Um, can I help you?"

The accent was a dead giveaway. It was one of her favourite minecraft youtubers, ✨ georgenotfound. ✨ Instantly, her face flushed with a mix of excitement and embarrassment.

"Sorry um, I-I was just going to ask where your sweatshirt is from. It's pretty cool." Y/n silently let a sigh of relief at the quick lie. The British celebrity's face lit up with excitement at the compliment.

"Thank you! It's from a minecraft tournament I was in!"

"Pogchamp, I love minecraft!" Y/n grinned at the European boy. A loud alarm suddenly pierced the silence, startling the two gamers. Y/n grabbed her phone to see an alert flash on screen:


The Brit and the American girl looked at each other worriedly, and then at the windows outside. A torrent of rain fell down in sheets. A loud crackling was heard, signaling an intercom was being turned on.

"All shoppers come to the back room. It is safer and we need to count how many people are here."

The duo quietly walked to the back, where a hyper boy in an oversized hoodie bounced over to George and pulled him into a hug.

"I couldn't find you for a second and I was scared! Thank goodness I found you!" The boy exclaimed, earning a chuckle and an eye roll from George.

"I'm fine, Karl. I met this girl named Y/n. She plays minecraft which is pretty pog." Both of the men then turned to Y/n, who sheepishly grinned and gave a small wave. Karl wasted no time pulling her into a hug.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Karl!" As he pulled away from the hug, Y/n was sure she saw him blushing a little. The shopkeeper then ushered them into the backroom, which only had an employee and two other customers.

They all sat against a wall as the store owner began explaining what they were going to do; basically wait out the storm, and if it got dark they could split up into separate rooms and sleep. The owner then brought in some board games and snacks to pass the time. All things considered, it seemed like it was going to be a pretty pog experience.

Second A/N: Thank y'alls so much for reading! Hope you enjoy the story. 

(am I the only one who doesn't replace y/n with my name but just pronounce like 'yin'?)

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