The good news is, I feel 100 times better about it than I did before-- so yay for rewriting!

That's my advice to any writer-- don't be afraid to delete what you've written and start over. I've generally found that to be more productive than revising everything. (Of course do it within reason; there is such a thing as too much deleting.)

Anyway, I didn't get to read at all today-- but I feel like that's the sacrifice I have to make. Either write at the pace I'm writing (which is honestly pretty fast for me), or take longer to write but also get to read.

I'm pretty much just waiting for a writing slump to hit me so I can read every spare chance I get. Alas, one has not hit me yet-- and I don't necessarily want it to. But just in case, I have a backup plan! (Aka my book.)

I got to see an updated version of the cover, and guys, I am blown away! So excited to release it!

Update 1/27/21- I finished Chapter Nine this morning. Pretty pleased with that. And then I wrote one sentence of Chapter Ten. Not so pleased with THAT.

But alas, I find my creative well in need of filling, so I will consume all the [name redacted for spoiler-free content] fanfics out there so I can get a feel of their character! Until then!

Update 1/29/21- I finished Chapter 11 today-- wasn't sure I'd do that. But I did :).

I also started on Chapter 12-- told from the POV of one of my favorite characters in the Keeper series. I hope I do them justice.

As for the cover, the (amazing) artist finished the first character that will be on it (out of two), and she said she'll do the second character next (who I am PUMPED for), and then the background. I'm super excited!

As for my plans on "Rebuild," I have chapters 12 and 13 planned out (in my head, naturally XD), and then after that, plot gets real (believe it or not, the first 12/13ish chapters, give or take a few-- is mostly introduction 😬😂🤷🏼‍♀️), so I may need to take a couple days off to plan some ahead in that area, just so I don't get overwhelmed or lead the story in the wrong direction or whatever.

I'm still not sure how long this story will be, but I'm guessing 4-6 chapters for each character, and there's 12 characters, so 48-72 chapters? At least it won't reach 100! Or maybe that's a bad thing. I dunno-- I'll just write until the story requires me to stop.

I also finished reading the book I've been reading, so that's made me feel good!

Happy reading/writing/existing, you all! That's it for now!

Update 2/5/21- Ack, sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Every time I think about it, my brain is like, "Naw." So...yeah. That's my pitiful excuse.

As for what's happening, I've written Chapters 12 and 13. Chapter 12 ended up being 3805 (or something like that) words long, which is...long XD, but I also really love that chapter. As for Chapter 13, I have an uneasy feeling about it, similar to the feeling I had about Chapter 8, so I think I've decided (as of this morning) to rewrite it.

I also took a sort-of break to plan ahead all the plot threads that are going to happen...but honestly, I hate planning, and I'm worried that planning it all will ruin the fun of getting to write it. So instead I listed all the plot threads in the story, just so I can have them all in one space to look at.

I started Chapter 14, but for some reason it's being really difficult, and I don't know what's going to happen in it. So I'm thinking I need some time to figure it out, as well as rewrite Chapter 13. I was also thinking about skipping Chapter 14 and writing Chapter 15 instead, but...I dunno. I'm a pretty linear writer, and sometimes the idea of doing stuff like that is weird to me. But I also want to try that method, since I know it works for some authors.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Rebuild [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now