Chapter 1: The beginning

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Atsumu runs down the ally way until he reaches a stop. A big gate stood between him and his escape. He turned around to see 2 big guys twice his size wearing suits running towards him.

Now you may be asking how he got himself into this situation. Well Atsumu didn't even know himself.

He jumped on the gate and started climbing quickly. As he reached the top he turned around to see them pulling out something out from there pockets. He quickly used his power and creates an allusion of himself siting on the gate while he threw himself to the floor. He heard gun shots as he stumbled to get back on his feet. He kept running as fast as possible.

After running for what seemed forever he stopped, he was sure he had lost them. He sat on the floor and looked down at a puddle. His reflection showed his eyes glowing bright orange.

He sighed and deactivated his power, making his eyes turn back to dull brown. He had to get back to base it wasn't safe for someone like him to be out in the open.

He quickly got up and put his hoodie on, jogging back to the Agency.

When he got there he stood in front of a building in Kamagasaki, one of the poorest places in Japan.

He opened the door to be greeted with nothing but darkness, dust, and rubble. It isn't as bad as it seems. Upstairs is where the real magic happens. This is where the South Mafia was based.

Whats the South Mafia? What's their purpose? It's where people that have ability's come if they don't want to join the government's agency. For hundreds of years people with powers are born. They make up 10% of the population.
The government forces people with ability's to join their Agency to become some sort of army.
Everyone in this building ran away before they could be taken. The main objective of the south Mafia is to free the people and to overthrow the government.

Atsumu walked up stairs to see Bokuto pacing around. He was the boss here. "Whats up Bokuto?" Atsumu placed his hand on the tall mans shoulder.

"Tsum-Tsum they're trying to search for us and I'm thinking if we should relocate somewhere else. Somewhere safe. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I don't want Akaashi to get hurt..." He continued to pace around.

"Bokuto we will be fine! I trust you and Kuroo will figure something out." Atsumu reassures Bokuto.

"Your right. Here's your next assignment." Bokuto hands Atsumu a yellow envelope. Atsumu accepts it and walks away.

He walks up stairs to the 3rd floor. That's where all the bedrooms where. Since everyone here is a run away this was also there home.

He walks down the hall until he reaches his door. He slowly opens it making sure nobody was in there to assassinate him. You could never be too careful.

He plopped on his bed and opened it. It was a typed paper with a picture of a man with blonde hair and a mustache.

The assignment was to take over warehouse H. The buildings were full of guns and weapons and were guarded by 10-15 people. The man on the picture is there main target because he would know the Agency's next location.

Atsumu was the head of the assassin squad. So they had to follow his orders but the team only consumed of 2 people plays Atsumu. He walked out and headed to Oikawas room. Where he was sure to find Iwaizumi.

"Um hey, I've got a new assignm-" before he could finish his sentence he noticed he walked into something he shouldn't have. He quickly shut the door. "Or maybe we can talk later!" Atsumu panicked and walked away with fear in his eyes. Did he just see Oikawa naked? Under Iwaizumi?! Can guys even do that? How does it even work?!

Atsumu was too focused on his questions that he ran into Sakusa, the head of the cleaning squad. He looked up to see him shirtless, coming out of the showers.

"Watch where you're going you freak." Sakusa glared at Atsumu.

"Freak?! Your the germaphobe here you freak!" Atsumu glared back.

They started bickering like always. Fun fact both of them arrived at the agency on the same day. Atsumu would try and make friends with everyone even Sakusa, but the darker haired boy would always reject.

"Why don't you try being friendly for once? Why do you like being cooped up in your room?! You only come out when you have a job!" Atsumu snarls.

Kuroo crossed his arms. "How about this. Since you're the only two that can't get along I'll make you guys do everything together if I catch you guys arguing again." Kuroo sighed.

Kenma popped his head from the corner. "Kuroo let's go to sleep." Kenma was behind Kuroo holding a stack of papers.

"I'll be there in a bit!" He smiled brightly.

"Fix your act together or I'll shoot your heads off. " Kuroo gave them a deadly smile.

Kuroo was the 2nd in command so they had to listen to him. While Kenma was the hacker who keeps Kuroo in check.

As they left Atsumu turned to look at Sakusa. "Look what you did you freak." Atsumu rolled his eyes.

"That's very childish of you." Sakusa said as he walked away.

Atsumu couldn't believe Kuroo said. They had to do everything together if they argued again. There's no way the could last a week without arguing.

Atsumu walks to the kitchen before Kuroo could come back and beat them up. He pulls a drawer full of coffee pods open and took one out and pop's it into the coffee maker.

He sits on the counter and starts scrolls through Instagram.

"Atsumu you little rat." Oikawa's eyes started to glow turquoise. He raised his arm up, making a vine grow from the plant that was in the kitchen. The vine grabbed onto Atsumu's hands tying them together.

"Whoahhh what are you doing!" Atsumu try's you break free but there's no way he could, they were just too thick.

"You walked in on me and Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa wines.

"Ah well sorry I didn't know I just wanted to tell you know about our next assignment." Atsumu blushes from embarrassment.

Oikawa sighs, his eyes go back to normal and he takes the paper from the counter.

While Oikawa read Atsumu took a sip of his coffee.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? It's literally due in 3 hours." Oikawa put his hands on his hips.

Atsumu spit his coffee out, he snatches the paper out of Oikawas hands to see if he was lying.
It was true it was due in three hours. He could of sworn it said 3 days.

"Let's go get ready." Atsumu gulps down his drink and starts walking off until he's pulled back.

"Don't you think I forgot what you did. I feel exposed!" Oikawa sniffled in a jokingly matter.

"That's why I'm going to get pay back." Oikawas whispers into his ear and let's go of Atsumu.

"Okay flat ass go get ready" Atsumu snorts.

Requested as since I asked for ships. I'll finish this story then move on to MatsuHana

Words: 1221

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