{20}Rained In{20}

388 23 3

You sit with the phone up to your ear in silence for a moment before sneezing. You heard familiar laughing from the other end of the line and then your brother's familiar voice. 

"Hey Y/N. I'm so sorry about earlier, I didn't know how you felt I should have asked. I also know Shirabu's pretty, uhm. How do I describe him? Mature? Yeah, Mature. So, I'm really sorry and hope I can make it up to you."

"It's alright, Satori-" You were cut off by your brother continuing to talk.

"Anyways! We're at the airport, Ushijima's dad is coming to Japan for a visit so we're picking him up, also going out to dinner with him. Sorry, you aren't here but that's beside the point."

You both laugh in sync and he continues to speak,

"Shirabu's sister will take you home once she is done whatever she's doing, sound good?"

"Yeah, thanks for understanding from earlier."

"No problem! We can talk about it when I get home if you'd like."

"Okay, yeah I'd like that."

"Alright, I'll see you later then. Don't cause Shirabu any trouble~"

"I'll try."

You handed Shirabu the phone back and he wrapped up the call with Satori. You continued to hold your arms as the two of your approached the boy's house. Once the door was unlocked Shirabu started to talk to you like a mother.

"Alright, if you want you can draw a bath, you don't have to if your uncomfortable. I'm going to change and you can feel free to change as well, I can wash your clothes as well."

You nod slightly and follow Shirabu towards his room, you stop outside it and pull off your sweatshirt, leaving your necklace on though. Your shirt underneath was partially wet, enough to make it uncomfortable, but not enough to get water onto your bra as well.

A moment later you jump when the boy's room opens again. Shirabu came out wearing almost the exact same thing but now dry. In his right hand were a dry pair of clothing, his jersey, and some shorts. His left hand had dripping wet clothing in it and a towel.

"Here, you can use these. They're just some old shorts and my jersey from last year."

He held out his right had to which you took the clothing. You made sure not to touch any of your wet clothing with them. The boy took your sweatshirt out of your hands and headed into another room. "Do you want a towel? You can also use my room to change."

"Uhm, sure."

He threw a towel outside of that room, you assumed the room to be their laundry room. You pushed the door to his room opened and closed it behind yourself. Slowly you took off your top and shorts, now shivering as you took off your thigh high socks as well. You dried the parts of your body that had been wet and then let the towel draped over your head.

Slowly you slipped Shirabu's old clothing onto your body and looked down at yourself, surprisingly the shorts fit, but his jersey was oversized and covered the shorts, but not by much. You rubbed the towel against your H/L hair and picked up your clothing, leaving the towel on your head.

You pushed out of the room and sneezed, you couldn't tell if you were actually getting sick, or if someone was just talking about you. Your gaze shifts up from the floor to meet Shirabu's frozen face. You were confused for a moment before realizing that you were wearing his old jersey, his old clothing. Your face flushed bright red as you pulled the towel off your head and cautiously held out your wet clothes to him. 

"Sorry for picking a bad day to come over..."

"H-huh? Oh no, it's fine. You couldn't control the weather." 

The boy rubbed the back of his now red neck and turned around with your wet clothing and towel. You stood there awkwardly not knowing where to go at this point. You shake your head and move towards the entrance of the room, wanting to keep up your poppy attitude, but wanting to act soft for Shirabu.

"Uhm, now what?"

"We can go watch a movie if you'd like. You'd just need to grab my laptop."

You nod as the boy finishes setting up the laundry(Idk how to do laundry-). He walks out of the room as you go and grab his laptop out of the bedroom. While in there you also grab your phone which you had left before heading to the cafe. You walk down the hallway and see Shirabu waiting in an archway for you.

He avoids eye contact and you don't blame him. You go and sit down placing the laptop onto a coffee table.

"Uhm, Y/N... I'm g-going to go to the bathroom real quick."

His voice stopped abruptly and as you heard footsteps walking away. Before you were able to respond with an "okay" he was gone. You nod to yourself and look around the room. You saw some blankets on the other side of the room and you go to grab them. You wrap the thick blanket around your shoulders like a cape and sit back down. 

You bury your face into the blanket hiding your blush from nobody but yourself. You were sure that you were going crazy. He called me by my first name. Why right now? Oh my god he really just, why did it sound so right?

Your head spun in circles and you sat in silence for a few minutes. You removed your head from the blanket and turned to the empty archway. When was he going to come back? You thought with an audible sigh. You leaned back and watched the empty space waiting for the boy to return. 

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