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It seems like once again you've
had to greet me with goodbye
I'm always just about to go
and spoil a surprise


I jolt awake sitting up. I was sweating and out of breath. Peace rubs against my hand but I move away, getting up from the bed. The memory of the nightmare fading away by the second. It was 5:46 and the sun was coming up. I grab my towel and take a shower so by the time I got out it was 6:10 and got ready for school. I felt a little nervous after what happened between Jake and I but I can't miss going to class. Avoiding him would probably be the best thing to do, right?

I served Peace food and water, and kiss him before I left. With an hour to spare I walk the streets enjoying the fresh morning air.Will Peace be sad that he's alone? Should I have someone babysit him when I'm gone? Now that I think about it my neighbor love animals. Am I being too worried? I look up and I'm in front of Daehyeon high school. Well here I go-

"Riley!!" I hear my name repeated three more times. I turn only for the girls to all bump into me, successfully knocking me over to the ground.

"Oh my god-"
"We're sorry Riley!"
"We didn't mean to-"
"Look what you've done-"

They gasped and start blaming each other while I'm still on the floor perplexed.

It's seven in the morning...

How do they have this much energy at seven in the freaking morning?

Why were they in a rush anyways?

Suddenly a hand appears in front of me and I take it not even looking up at which one of them snapped out of the small quarrel to help me back on my feet. "Oh crap" I whisper to myself when I feel a wet feeling on the back of my thigh. I had fallen on the dirt next to the bed of bushes that had been watered. I couldn't see it but I knew my skirt had a muddy stain on it. Well I didn't like the pattern on this skirt anyways.

I finally look up and my eyes widen. "JJ" my tone surprised. So much for avoiding. I look at the girls who seemed to have backed up a few steps from JJ and I. They were huddled together while giggling. Smirking and giving me a thumbs up, I squint my eyes and shake my head at them.

I look back at JJ who had taken off his hoodie and stepped closer to me. What is he doing?

His arms go around my waist with his hoodie in hand. I stare at his face which was relatively close to mine. He ties the sleeves so his hoodie was covering the incident that had just occurred. He looks at me without breaking eye contact and gives me a gentle smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I had a warm feeling. I felt relieved that he didn't hate me.

I break my eyes away from his and look down at his red hoodie "Oh no you don't have to-" I begin and he grabs by hands when they were about to untie his hoodie "It's fine Riley" he said but I shook my head.

"No, it's going to get dirty. I don't want to ruin your-" he chuckles catching me off guard.

"Really, Riley it's fine" He reassures me and let's go of my hands

"Okay, well thanks JJ, I'll return it to you as soon as I-I can" I stutter when I looked into his eyes. He had this look in his eyes. I couldn't decipher what it was.

"Keep it" he smirks and walks away almost triumphantly. I scrunch my eyebrows and tilt my head as I see his retreating form go inside the building. I should get to class too. Where are-

That when I noticed the people that were around us were staring at me. Did they witness the whole thing? I felt my face heating up, oh, this is embarrassing. 'I'm not this careless and clumsy' was what I wanted to tell them but I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself so instead I stayed silent and walked to class.

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