Chapter 47 inlove with the devil

Start from the beginning

They got to the school right on time in the cafeteria they we're setting up there Big screen TVs so we can watch the cooking compilation Without having to go inside
Djesire:Smells good in here wonder what there cooking
Mercedes:macaroons they make them every year
Phoneyx:Bet we get desserts
Mercedes:Depends on how many they make and what color vest this it is
Dj:Phoneyx.... gotta be kidding me
Cyrus was holding each others Djesire waist while she didn't have a problem with it and was just on her phone
Phoneyx:You her bro break it apart
Dj:Yes Ma'am
Dj came pushed Cyrus away from Djesire she then glared and punched him in the arm
Dj:Ow! Damn sis
Djesire:Dj leave me alone and what is you laughing at?
Riley:Huh? Nothing OW! damn girl what is with you keep yea hands to ya self!
Royalty turned around and saw Princeton walking near them
Nofeair:huh Oh shit! Quick how i look
Royalty:You look fine i don't get why your still friends with that bone head
Unique:(Fuck he's here)
Prince:Sup Nofeair....Hey Unique
Nofeair:Hey prince
Princeton:You wanna hang later
Nofeair:YES! Uh yeah yeah sure
Princeton:Bet pick ya up later
Nofeair:Wait is this
Nofeair:Actually nevermind for get what i said i'll see you later
Principal maci:Okay great your all here so i need harmani from fuscia Mar from Sable and Jazmine from turquoise Carson from Navy blue I want harmani our main chef
Riley:Why can't she just say normal Colors? And what kinda name is Mars?
Riley:Nigga you "Shh"
Phoneyx:Both you niggas Shh
Principal K:Alright i want kendric from Teal and Dj a checkerboard
Dj: seriously?
Kendric:Wait what? i can't cook!
Caesar:Just do your best
Khai:But he's right he can't cook he sucks
China:Yeah he's terrible
Kendric:Fuck you China! Your supposed emotional support animal
China:Your animal Bitch
Caesar:Watch your mouth China
China:Nigga like you don't cuss
Caesar:Don't make me take you out this school and...
China:And what? You ain't finna spank you ain't my daddy
Cyrus:Where is this attitude coming from?
Khai: enough all of you and China it cut it out
Principal K:Eden quinn Magenta and layla Monroe Eden will your main chef alright so all of you go to the kitchen will be watching
Mercedes:Good luck Kendric

They all entered the kitchen but on there aprons and chef hats Harmani and eden put on gold chef hats because they were the main chefs
Eden:Okay so we're going to make chocolate macaroons
Layla: seems easy enough
Harmani:*cough cough*Basic *Cough cough* Basic bitches
Dj:geez what's your problem?
Harmani: what?
Jazmine:i have a plan...

Everyone else was watching them from the TV some kids weren't even paying attention to what they were doing and some of them were taunting each school saying that they suck or they're gonna lose the girls were's drawing with each other while the boys we're just on there phones on a complete different table Hiro wanted to join the girls but he just didn't wanna bother or get in there conversation
Khai:So who you think gonna when
Djesire:Beats me The only thing dj remember when it comes to cooking with fire is the fire
Royalty:I mean its not like he's using the stove right? Just the oven
Phoneyx:I knew theses butt headed assholes for years and not once have they cooked with out starting a fire
Khai:Can't Believe you're dating Cyrus i mean don't get me wrong i love a good love story but why my cousin?
Djesire:We did stuff during the first game
Khai:don't say that in front of China her 5 year old ears might here
China:Hear what?
Royalty:Unique be honest do you like Caesar?
Every gave her "Bruh" look
Khai:You can be honest I saw the look on your face when you guys were singing
Unique:well....I of course i looked A bit flattered his voice is amazing I didn't expect that!
Phoneyx: well I think you should go for Hiro you guys look really cute together
Unique: I don't think he wants that I kind of want to be friends with everybody
Royalty: you're lying Because you like both of them
Unique:No i don't....okay maybe a little but like i said I just wanna be friends with everyone
Mercedes: you're going to regret that in high school

Huey:I thought you said you'll take it slow!
Caesar:I did!
Riley:Nigga you sang a song about sex on the beach!
Caesar:Okay right about that but its just a song!
Huey: Caesar listen to me slow down!
Caesar:okay okay i'll stop
Huey: and don't think I didn't see that love note to her
Caesar:How did you get it!?
Huey:how I got it doesn't it matter just knock it off
Micah:why do you want unique so bad anyway ? Is it because she's a celebrity?
Caesar:No! She's really pretty gorgeous nice
Huey:Caesar thats all gonna change when you guys turn 15
Dontrell:Yeah your fuck boy phase is gonna start and your already showing signs of it you fucking Simp
Caesar:Shut up don your a fucking Simp
Dontrell:Don't be mad cuz i got girls now and soon imma get Phoneyx
Huey:In your dreams
Micah:I like Phoneyx's too she Hot!
Huey:Ya'll ain't gonna get her
Dontrell:But damn look at that ass she definitely look through puberty first
Huey grabbed Don by his shirt and glared at him he then sighed and let go because he didn't want to waste his Energy on him
Dontrell:weakass motherfucker

Dj was cracking the eggs while the others we're trying to get the rest of the ingredients Jazmine got close to him and started flirting with him And her plan was successful she started taking her Afro puffs off and letting out all her hair dj dropped the egg shell in the batter and started mixing while drooling over Jazmine

After they we're done cooking the macaroons kendric layla and Edan didn't know what Dj did too the rest of the batter Jazmine and Harmani hand Full confidence that they would win
The judge took a bit out the "genius's" birthday cake macaroons and gave it a 15 the other teamed rolled there eyes and groan Eden handed the judged the plate of macaroons Dj soon realized what he done and whispered it in Kendric his eyes widen open and he got worried right when the judge took a bite he spit it out and got an egg shell in there he gave them a 2 the gifted groaned and the geniuses cheered
Jazmine:Ha how gullible i knew he would fall for that
Harmani: good thinking keep that up next time you see him
After kendric explain what Dj did Phoenyx's slapped him in the face
Phoneyx:I told Jazmine is the ENEMY!
Dj:But i really like Jazmine!
Phoneyx:I'm finna have a long talk with you when we get home come on
Huey:Yeah that was the last game of the day get ready for tomorrow

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