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Eight's POV

It's always been us against the world,  Eight."  He spoke,  breaking the dreadful silence that had been plaguing us as we walked side by side.  It almost hurt to hear him speak those words...  because I knew he was right,  but believing him meant that some of the friends I've made who are a part of the kingdom are no longer my friends.  It almost hurt.

We had been exiled from their own kingdom,  he wasn't even allowed to step foot into his own castle.  The only bit of peaceful land that still remained were the flower fields,  and even then we still had a chance of being killed if we were spotted. "..."  I was silent,  almost afraid to speak.  The way Malachai had been acting recently wasn't quite.. himself.  He had been acting like he didn't care about anything anymore except to get back the power he previously had as king.  It hurt..

"Nobody has been on our side this ENTIRE TIME!!"  The anger in the curly haired boy's voice was clear,  but he wasn't lying.  I can still remember the day the kingdom got taken from us,  the expression Malachai made,  the sting in my legs from running so far.. it hurts y'know?

He wasn't lying,  but oh how I wished he was.  "Everyone who joined our side only left us at the first sign of failure,"  The way he spoke,  he was in pain,  angry,  borderline enraged,  and rightfully so.  He isn't wrong,   but this isn't him.  "Because they were never on our side!"  It hurt.

"I know." Is all I was able to say,  but it was more like a mumble,  a mutter,  almost a whisper,  but bee heard me anyway.  Bee's always been a good listener,  I liked that about bee.  It hurts.

We fell back into silence,  but this time it wasn't dreadful,  it was a comfortable silence.  For a good few minutes we stood there,  listening to the birds chirping,  the bees buzzing around,  the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves,  it was quiet,  and calm.  "We'll get it back,  I promise." I said,  trying to be comforting,  although it didn't always work it never hurt to try.  It hurts..

He fidgeted with the ring,  he gets distracted quite easily by things and needs to do something with his hands for him to focus.  He was thinking hard about something,  I could tell because he usually stares into nothingness while fidgeting and has a specific expression on his face.  I was about to ask him about it when he spoke up.  "What if we burned that place to the ground instead?" It hurts...

My eyes widened at his question,  stopping dead in my tracks,  which caused him to stop and turn to look at me. "What?"  I asked,  in complete and utter shock.  "The hell are you saying?"  I asked again,  he couldn't possibly be serious.. right?  It hurts!
"We don't have the kingdom!  So what's the point of it anymore?!" He asked,  taking a step towards me,  this isn't him.  "There is no point to it anymore!!"  He exclaimed,  the crazy look in his eyes scared me.  This isn't him,  this isn't him,  no.  "We could blow it to smithere-'' It hurts!!

"No."  I cut him off.

"What?"  He asked,  almost sounding surprised that I had said no.  Why would he be surprised?!  Why in the hell would I want him to blow up the kingdom that both of us had spent so long on!?!?  The kingdom we made together,  the castle that we spent weeks building!! Why would he just want to burn it to the ground?!  "What do you mean no?  There's no point of it being there if we're not the rulers!  So why not?!"  He spoke.  It hurts!!!

"No!!  We worked on that castle for weeks!!  Why on EARTH would you want to just blow it up!?!?!?"  I asked.  I was angry.  Why would he ever think I'd agree to that?!  What is wrong with him?!?  This isn't him!  It HURTS.

"Eight,  we build this kingdom to get away from the government!  And it just came back and claimed it back!!  Isn't that unfair!?"  Malachai was going insane,  this isn't him.  It HURTS!

"What's gotten into you Malachai?!  You can't just blow up our entire nation!!!"  I exclaimed angrily.  Why would he even suggest that and think I'd agree!?!?!?  This isn't him,  this isn't him,  this isn't him!  No!!  It HURTS!!

"What do you mean 'What's gotten into me?'  I have nothing else to live for!!"  He exclaimed,  he isn't acting like himself.  It HURTS!!!

"You have so much to live for Mal!"  I spoke,  trying to reason with him the best I can.  Why isn't he acting like himself?  Please Malachai just see that I'm trying to help you out here!  Just see that we don't need destruction to get the kingdom back!  Just see that you're not acting like yourself right now!! IT HURTS!

"I've lost the kingdom Eight! I don't have ANYTHING else to live for!!" He exclaimed.  YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF!

"YOU HAVE ME!!!!"  I yelled at him,  causing the birds in the tree beside us to fly away.  He took a step back,  clearly shocked by my anger.  I looked at him with a look of pure rage in my eyes,  he almost looked like he was scared of me when I looked at him.  He isn't acting like himself. YOU'RE HURTING ME!!

A/N: 913 words.  fuck you,  I can do what I want with this book.  Now feel pain.

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