Chapter One

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"Jacob c'mon, it's just like ten minutes," Seth complained, tugging at Jacob's free arm.

Jacob pulled back in one fluid motion, careful not to disturb the bundle in his other arm.

"When you have responsibilities, then tell me ten minutes is nothing," Jacob grinned. Seth frowned but turned on his toes and walked out the door. Jacob sighed and looked down at the little human? He hadn't considered that she was anything but a human. He laughed silently and flittered over to the too-small couch to take a seat.

The door opened again and the most beautiful person came through the door with a bundle of groceries covering her face. 

"You know, common decency dictates to help thy lady when she can't even see over the bags," Renesmee joked. She made her way over to the cluttered kitchen counter and Jacob quickly stood to go try and make space for her to place stuff down. In doing this, Jacob jostled the sleeping child and she awoke with a scream. 

Renesmee gave a silent groan and threw the groceries onto the small clutter-free corner of the dining table and swept the bundle out of Jacob's arms.

"You didn't even give me a chance," he moaned, as Renesmee shushed the baby.

She shook her head and bounced the baby over her shoulder, she slowly lessened her cry severity and drifted off to sleep.

"Show off," Jacob muttered. He went over to the bag of groceries to start putting them away.

"Eliza is just a momma's girl," Renesmee joked. Renesmee set Eliza in her little playpen where she stretched out and sprawled out of her blanket to sleep. "Also, like father, like daughter."

Jacob grinned at his love. He would never tire of seeing that face and would never get over the fact that they were able to produce such an incredible creature together. While Jacob worked on getting the groceries in the proper cupboards, Renesmee took a seat on the couch, looking like a fairy in a dumpster.

"When is your dad, Charlie, and Sue, getting back anyways?" she asked, looking through an ancient magazine left by one of his sisters.

"Tomorrow, that's why I wanted to replenish the house today and maybe do some secret cleaning. He has not done so in," Jacob scooped a large amount of dust off the counter, "quite a while I'd day."

Renesmee hopped up and walked over to under the sink and looked at a space covered by water spots, but no cleaning supplies. She bit her lip and walked over to one of the bags, pulling out several bottles of supplies.

"I had hoped to help restock, not supply cleaning stuff," Renesmee mumbled. Jacob shrugged and grabbed some stuff to work on the stained stovetop. "Do you think he is doing okay?"

"Who? Dad? Yeah, he just doesn't really have reason to take care of the place, I mean, no one to really impress," Jacob said. He dug in with the sponge, finally getting through one of the stuck-on stains.

Renesmee took to organizing the stuff on the dining table, heavily relying on a trash bag to guide her. "Rachel was talking to me and saying that he sounds sad."

Jacob paused and looked at Renesmee, "Sad how?"

She stopped with a hand on an old napkin, "I don't know like he just misses having people around. I guess he realizes he is getting older."

Jacob bit back a laugh, "I mean that's part of why Charlie and Sue took him on this trip, to help get him out of the house. He knows he has friends, chooses not to entertain them. This house has never been the cleanest place in the world Ness, I promise, but I guess we should bring Eliza around him more often. He loves being around kids."

Renesmee nodded, still a bit troubled by how much of a disaster the house seemed to be. 

Jacob and Renesmee spent three hours getting the house cleaner than Jacob thinks he had ever seen it. Toward the end, Eliza woke up needing a change and some food. Renesmee took care of her needs, while Jacob remade the beds in his father's house. 

"Let's see him dirty this," Renesmee said, triumphantly. Jacob laughed and kissed the top of her tanning head. To everyone's surprise, Renesmee didn't stay as porcelain as her mother always was, even in her human years. Days at the La Push beach had given Renesmee a golden hue, but nowhere near as dark as Jacob.

After feeling the house was ready for Billy to come home to, Jacob, Renesmee, and Eliza left, locking the door behind them. They made their way over to what Jacob considered an overrated, soccer mom, Volvo that Edward had insisted on them getting when Eliza was born. He didn't even care what kind of Volvo he had, he only did it to win brownie points with Edward. 

Eliza was only four months old but was steadily growing. Jacob knew that they were fortunate she wasn't growing as fast as Renesmee had, but still, she was in a breed of her own. She had light brown eyes, some sort of mixture between her mother's and father's brown. She had dark hair growing in, which curled at the ends, and had the hugest dimples when she smiled.

Jacob drove his small family to a little bungalow that he and Renesmee were renting right off the beach. It only had one room, a small kitchen, and a living room. Jacob nearly scraped his head on the ceiling, but he loved it. He was fixing it up and hoped to one day buy it from the people who currently owned it. He refused to take money from the Cullen's unless it was necessary.

Renesmee had bought some stuff for their home and Jacob took a now sleeping Eliza to her crib to sleep. Jacob smiled down at his daughter, who whimpered once before falling back asleep. She was nearly the size of a one-year-old, but she still looked so tiny in the crib.

Jacob turned back and headed into the kitchen to help get the groceries put away. The window was open and the smell of the ocean danced through the small space, filling the air with contentment. It had been nine years since anything big had happened in their lives since the Volturi had tried to take down the Cullens, and since Renesmee had come into his life. She had hit full-grown a couple of years ago and that was when Jacob had asked Edward if it was okay for him to propose to her. Edward had been hesitant but knew that Renesmee was Jacob's whole life and he would do anything to protect her.

When Renesmee got pregnant, we were all cautious. No one knew exactly how a quarter human, quarter vampire, and half-wolf child would really come to play. Renesmee's pregnancy went along much better than Bella's and actually lasted about six months before the baby was ready to come: Elizabeth Rosalie Black. Jacob chose the middle name of Rosalie as a way of thanking her for protecting Renesmee when he himself had almost taken her life.

Jacob circled Renesmee into his arms and spun her to face him. Her almost 5'3" made her essentially a rag doll to his, but he wouldn't want it any other way. Jacob kissed her gently and Renesmee smiled at him.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more," he said.

Jacob and Renesmee laid on the couch and spent the evening listening to the waves crashing against the rocks surrounding their little bungalow, contemplating what more life could actually throw at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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