see me part 1

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The light shown on my face I groaned, it was monday which meant school. Joey texted me yesterday saying she's getting back at miss wilder and she wants me to help her. If I was being completely honest I didn't want to go to school. I decided to go because my friend needs me.

I already knew half the group hated me, but what do I have to loose. I got looking at myself in the mirror. I hadn't done anything all weekend apart from cry and not leave my room. I haven't eaten anything since Friday. I freshend my self up by having a shower. I still looked like shit but I didn't care. I would probably go home after joeys done with her plan.

I changed into a white tank with some baggy black jeans and creme coloured shoes. I didn't wear a bra because joeys whole protest was ro free the nipples so here i am. I walked to school, I saw grace swinging her bra around. I smiled at the girl atleast she doesn't hate me. I walked up hugging her. "Look at you." She said amazed. Her eyes widened at something but I ignored it.

"I'll see you later ." I said walking in the school. I saw joey and the boys. Joey spotted me first, her smile was wide as she saw me with no bra. I walked over hugging her, then hugging Anna. I turned to the boys who ignored apart from tim who hugged me. "Kayla your wrists." Tim says looking at them.

Shit I completely forgot. "What about her wrists." Joey says grabbing them. I yelped in pain. "Kayla." Joey says. Anna took at look at them there were about 5 on each wrist. " I thought you stopped." Anna said concerned. I walked over to my locker to avoid them. "Kayla why?" Joey asks. I tried to find a packet of pills but they where gone I had about 5 packets of xan in my locker my xan stash was gone.

"What the fuck." I whispered. "Does anyone have a jumper." I asked quietly.  Luke grabbed one from his bag handing it to he had sorrowful look on his face. "Thanks." I whispered. I pulled the hoodie over my head. I closed my locker. "Is your leg good?" I asked Luke. "Its alright. " Luke said with a soft smile.

I nodded. George walked over to me and hugged me. "Sorry for being a dick Friday night." He said softly. "Its okay." I told him. Luke leaned against the locker next to mine. "Me too." He whispered. He handed George his crutches and hugged me. I hugged back laying my head on his chest. We both pulled away.

"Dont do it again please." He whispered, I nodded my head. He smiled. George handed his crutches back. "Okay enough with the emotional shit let's go. I said they all nodded. I walked next to joey and Anna at the front. I wrapped my arms around their shoulders bringing them in. "I love you guys." I told them.

"Slut." A boy said. "Yo say that again, I fuckimg dare you." I said to the boy he walked off. "Pussy!" I yelled. "Ah shes back." George said pulling me into a side hug. Anna and joey giggled at me. Luke smiled at me. Anna, joey and Tim walked off i was going to walk off with them but George pulled me back. "Ow be fuckign careful." I said rubbing my wrist.

"Oh shit sorry Kayla." He apologised. I nodded. "Hi." He said the freshman. "Hey" she responded. "Hi." Luke said to me. "Hey." I said in the same voice as Leila. Me and Luke laughed at each other. "Can we have the other Kayla we saw when you arrived at school." George said annoyed. "I don't like that Kayla she seems depressed." Luke said.

I scoffed. "I think she just needs some therapy, some depression pills and a hot boyfriend." I told him. He smiled at me. I turned to the girls. I still didn't like Leila and Rachel pisses me off so. We got serious. After Rachel asked Luke how his leg is. "Oh my god, yeah. Um I'm sorry about Friday night. Are you okay?"Leila said.

I looked at Leila and rolled my eyes. She was avoiding eye contact with me. "I heard you're gonna have to sit out on a few of your swim team matches." She said to Luke. "Yeah its your fault." Me and George said at the same time. She looked at me and George. "Look uh, lukes parents need your parents contact info." George said to her.

"For what?" Rachel asks. "Well Luke wants to have a play date with you." I said seriously. "What." Leila asks me confused. "No im suing you." Luke said seriously. The look on her face was priceless. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a few photos. Luke laughed at my actions.

"Your face looks like you saw a ghost." I said looking at the photos. "You guys are actual dicks." Rachel said. "Rachel have some fun for once." I said still laughing. She rolled her eyes, Leila tried to play it off cool my laughing. "Leila, its all good homie, all right." Luke said. "Its my fault. I was smacked off my ass ok?" He said.

"Yo later g." Luke said. "Bye George. " I said hugging him he kissed my cheek. "Hey im actually sorry about how I acted Friday, are we good?" He asked. "George i love you alright don't worry." I said walking away with Luke.

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