New recruit

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Me: You wake up about an hour early and don't know what to dø so you decide to get ready 

Y/N pov:"*yAwN* time to get up...TO THE CLOSET!" I almost scream 

                                                      *2 minutes later*

'umm...where's the uniform' I think digging through the closet 'THERE' 

Me: You run through your house, grab a banana, tell your parents to have a great day and zOoM out of the house. 

You get there jogging in place and go in. Mr.Aizawa is there waiting inside the school "C'mon" he says VERY blandly. When you make it to class 1-A "wait here..." Aizawa mumbles. You here him talking to your new class so you pull out your phone and wait. He calls you in but you don't hear him 

Y/N pov: "GET YOU BUTT IN HERE!" I hear him yell sooooooo I stick my butt in the door and hear the class laugh at me so I walk my tail wagging. I had noticed that the boys had started blushing! Even the one that looked like an angry pomeranian 

Me: right on cue your face turns blue (the color of your blush) you looked like you were losing air   "HEY!" You hear some one yell " YEAH YOU! FOX GIRL YOUR FACE IS BLUE!" It was Bakugo"oop sorry that just happens!" You laugh 

"Hey Y/N what's your quirk do?" A yellow haired boi with a black hair streak asked

"So my Qurik  is Foxation" you explain "My ears and tail are very sensitive to the touch 

And lastly I can fly with my tail" *you start flying while your tail spins very fast* every one stared at you in complete AWE! *You turn blue again* 

"You are MANLY!" Blurted a red haired boi "w-wha-" say confused "Womanly~~~" he put up finger guns 'umm i don't know about this guy'

Y/N joins U.A!?Where stories live. Discover now