Start from the beginning

She shrugged and they went inside. They were met with the old Victorian vibe of the palace. Cameron wasn't surprised that the Queen left it as is, considering her history with the royal family. Both of them, dressed in suits, they entered their assigned stations. Riley was assigned to the prince, Charlie, while Cameron was assigned to the princess, Alyssa.

Both annoying to deal with.

"So, slash, where did you get the scar under your eye?" that was the first question Charlie asked.

"I fought with a drunk Russian guy," she answered him. It wasn't far from the truth. She did fight with a Russian man except he wasn't drunk, and they were in a cage. Let's just say in the end there was a blood bath. And it wasn't her blood spilling.

"Tell me. How did Roue score such an exquisite woman like you, hmm?" he asked, stepping into her personal space. A space that Riley protected heavily.

She stepped back, giving him a cold glare. "There's something called personal space. Don't invade mine. As for Rogue and me, that's none of your business."

"Aw, come on. I'm curious," he explained. "You two are attached at the hip."

"Thank you, captain obvious. Again, my life and who I have a relationship with is none of your business. I'm only here to keep your junkie head alive," Riley stepped further back from him, and the minute she did. She noticed the vibe in the room changed.

The next thing she knew, she was pinned against the wall.

"I'm not a junkie, okay?" he gritted through his teeth. "Call me a junkie again and I'll end you."

In that moment, Charlie made a mistake. Riley headbutted him, making him stumble back. Using his dazed form, she punched him then grabbed a section of his hair. Then she lifted his head. "Touch me again, you will die. Invade my personal space, you die. You most certainly don't want to end up like the drunk, Russian guy I fought."

She got off him, allowing him to recollect himself. "Sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just-"

"Hate when people label you as things you aren't?"

He nodded. "Everyone expects me to be this perfect prince who's the next heir to the throne. The thing is none of-forget it."

She chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

How could I when everyone already knows? She thought.


"Tell me, Rogue-y. What do you see in that thing you call a girlfriend, hmm? You know, I'm the better...choice," her fingers crawled their way up his chest whilst she gave him a seductive look.

Gently, he took her hand and placed it at her side. "Here's what I see in that woman named Slash, Alyssa. Everything you wish you could be."

Of course, Alyssa felt jealous. She has it all yet there's one thing she can't seem to get. Her crush, the man she's in love with-Cameron. Because he is in love with someone else and she can't seem to that through her thick skull.

"Oh, please. I have everything you could ask for. Looks, power, money, a personality worth dreaming about. Plus, I can give you what she can't," she spat back bitterly.

"And what's that, hmm?" he smirked.

"Pleasure," she was about to kiss him when he side-stepped her.

Dark-eyed, he stared deep into her eyes to the very entity that was her soul. His stare visibly made her shiver in fear. "I rather be dead then allow your filthy hands to touch me. Talk ill about my girlfriend any longer and you won't have a voice to use anymore."

Several hours went by, both Charlie and Alyssa kept things professional. Especially after both Riley and Cameron gave warnings. The queen seemed to notice the cold aura around the four. Smirking to herself, she chuckled.

I will have the south, child.

They arrived at the new location after working in the palace. As they got there, Cameron's phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket. Seeing the name on the screen, he chuckled making Riley look at him confused.

"Sylvia," he said, answering his phone.

"I need to speak with my daughter," she told him.

Cameron looked at Riley who wore a scowl on her face the minute she heard him say her mother's name.

"Just put her on speaker," Riley told him.

Cameron put his phone on speaker. "You can talk to her now."

"Riley, can we meet at the café near Buckingham palace? I just want to talk."

"We're talking now, aren't we?" Riley told her coldly.

"I mean in person, Riley."

"Why? We've had this conversation twice already. You won't listen to me. So, why the hell am I going to waste my time listening to you. Take your team and go back to Spain. Lastly, if you do as much as compromise my life again, you will have hell to pay." Riley took Cameron's phone and ended the call right as Sylvia was about to speak.

Cameron chuckled. "She sure is persistent."

Riley sighed. "I'm done asking her to listen. I'm done telling her, showing her my story. And to think that she wants me to end things with you and come back to California. I'll be damned if something happens to her and she calls us for help."

Cameron then smirked and they were off to their new location.


The night was a lovely hug for Cameron. Wearing his mask, his dragon tattoo on full display, he entered the den.

Men and women alike showing their respect to a person almost half their age, showing their tattoos to him. It was like royalty had entered the building. He found Krushiv, standing by a door.

"How is the mouse holding up?" He asked.

"Squirming, and calling for Sylvia's help."

Cameron smirked. "Good."

He went inside with Krushiv following behind. A murderous glint in his eyes set on the agent who breach his hotel's security system. He watched as the man, mouth tapped shut, squirmed and screamed to be released.

"It was fun playing hide and seek with you, agent. Unfortunately for you, for breaching the security system that I developed with the best tech-wizs in the world, I will personally be giving you viewing of hell. Welcome to the dragon's den, agent."

BEHIND THE MASK- BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now