Legoshi x Reader

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   {{Disclaimer!! This oneshot is in no way meant to romanticize depression or any type of mental illness. It is simply my take n how Legoshi would help someone close to him who had it.}}

   Y/N was an average student, but that wasn't good enough for her parents. She could never amount to what her brother does, and she knew she couldn't. She was raised on this mindset since she started preschool while her older brother was in middle school. Which left her damaged and reserved compared to other people her age. This never went unnoticed by teachers or family friends but was always waved off by her parents as "moody teenager things." Her parents didn't want to soil their picture perfect reputation by letting people know about their Childs mental disadvantage. But they did care enough to pay for a private therapist under the terms that if they let their secret slip they would be sued for more than their life was worth and left with nothing other than the dirt.

   The medical help left Y/N numb and didn't help her feelings of worthlessness and lack of identify. Tired of dealing with their "lazy and selfish" youngest child her parents sent her to Cherryton Academy. Considering it was a very prestige school they didn't hesitate to pay her in and dropped her off the beginning of the year with nothing but her basic needs like pillows, sheets, clothes, etc. It was large, and the halls were always seeming to be empty and when they were full, in her eyes, everybody were staring and laughing t her. Mumbling and gossiping about her like they knew something about her that she didn't. Often times she wanted to just jerk around and yell and ask what they knew, since it was probably something more than she would even know. 

   Y/N kept to herself up until her second year, which is when she began to as you could say, come out of her shell. She made a few friends, a group of girls with a harlequinn rabbit, a raccoon, and a black cat. They were all kind to her, that was as long as she paid for their group trips to the mall, or out to eat. Which usually was made up of the harlequinn talking about her species future and how she was special being the very few left and lucky to find another of her species she could breed with in the future. With the others including herself just going along with it with little "yeah" and "you're lucky" every so often so she felt heard. The raccoon and cat were really the reasons she hung around and so willing paid for their trips. They were kind and so helpful when it came to the days she couldn't get herself up to do anything. They would stay with her when trying to get her out and about didn't do the job, just hanging around to give her company.

   Eventually making these friends made her not so fearful of being around others, so when she went to class she often attempted mingling with the ones who sat each side of her during the lectures. But this always resulted in failure, as they always acted snobbish and simply turned their nose up to her. Which would result in her ears reflecting her sadness and staying low or her tail laying motionless behind her unlike the usual small wag or sway it would do. 

   One day she had left her pencil bag at her dorm which left her pencil-less for an hour to two hour long lecture. So as anyone would she attempted asking the snobby moose that sat next to her if they had a pen or pencil she could use for the days notes and paperwork. Before she could even mutter her question she was met with frustrated groans and whisper-yelling.

"Do y-"

"Dear goodness do you ever shut up!? Like literally!? This is the third day in the SAME WEEK you've tried talking to me!" She glared.

"I.. I just wanted a pencil.."

   A small 'oh' left the animals mouth after it shrugged and turned away, ignoring Y/N's question. It was silent for about a few minutes while the teacher was opening and preparing his software for the days presentation with a couple small but quiet conversations around the classroom. The sound of Y/N shuffling around her folders and folders trying to find something to write with being added to the noise before being stopped when the feeling of something being throw to the back of her head caught her attention. Seeing a golden retriever and a large grey wolf sitting behind her, the retriever smiling and waving while pointing at the wolf who hid his face to the side and behind his hands while mouthing 'read the paper.' she let out a small giggle despite the feeling of dread she got as she grabbed the paper from behind her chair and unraveled it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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