Chapter 1

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I smirk, running my gloved finger along the edge of the glass case, admiring its contents.

The case, full of valuable jewels. While it's not my usual objective, I have a job to do, and this one has a nice pay.

I pull my knife from my pocket, slamming the handle-butt against the glass. The glass shatters into a million pieces, shards going everywhere.

As I reach for the blue velvet covered jewel stand, a voice stops me.

"I'd put that down if I were you." Her voice rings out. A bow draws back.

"And if I were you, I'd watch where you aim that thing." I calmly reply, slipping the jewels into my leg bag.

"Make one more move and I swear to god I'll release this arrow into your skull!" She yelled.

I chuckle, spinning around slowly, "Ya know... you're just like your father."

The hooded vigilante glares, "You should be scared then," she spat.

I take a step forward, discreetly reaching for my other dagger.

"Scared? Please. I'm far from scared, babe."

She releases the arrow, and I quickly toss my dagger. The blades match perfectly, the arrow splitting and the dagger falling, colliding with the floor.

"Mia!" Another voice calls out, followed by shuffling footsteps.

"Oh look, the party arrived." I smirk, looking to the two who decided to join us.

"Hello, Canary. And Connor, how are you?" I ask, keeping my eyes pinned on Mia again.

"Ya know, you're are becoming a real pain in the ass!" Connor yells.

I laugh, "That's good to hear. It means I'm doing a good job. Speaking of jobs, I have one to do, so if you'll let me I'm going to get back to it."

I quickly swipe the next two boxes of jewels into my bag, hearing an arrow release again.

I chuck my dagger, unfortunately missing my target.

"God- damnit!" I cry out. The arrow lodged itself in my shoulder. I wince, the pain shooting through my upper body.

The three start towards me. Just as they get close enough, I drop a flash bang. It goes off and I quickly make my exit.


"Holy... fuck..." I mumble to myself, entering my base of operations, an abandoned apartment building, particularly the higher levels.

I break the end of the arrow off, biting my lip before pulling the rest out.

"Fucking Mia... god damn.." I grumble, stumbling towards the desk in the room. Grabbing the medkit, I unzip my hoodie and let it slide off my shoulders to the floor.


After patching myself up, I slip on a gray hoodie, zipping it up only halfway. I grab my leg bag, pulling the jewels I collected out, laying them neatly in a box.

"$1,000,000 in jewels. Why did this person want this? No clue." I sigh, putting a lid on the box and pushing it away. Just as I do, I get a phone call. I answer it.


"Did you get what I asked?" The male voice asked.

"I did. It's sitting here in front of me. When can you meet?"

"Tomorrow. 8PM. On the docks."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

I end the phone call, laying the phone on top of the box.

"Well, that scratches that off the list." I hum, standing up and walking to a large cork board on the wall.

Red yarn and thumb tacs connect many different news clippings, photographs and jotted notes.

In the center of the board, a photo of a man. A man named Oliver Queen. A dead man.

A man I so desperately want to receive payback for what he did. But I can't make that happen anymore. I was too late. So now, I retaliate with his kids. His new generation. His blood...


"Y/n!" A voice calls out down the hall of my shared apartment.

"The hell do you want?" I grumble, making my way out of my bedroom.

"Want to go to the club with me?" My roommate asks.

I glare, "What the fuck. It's seven am... and you're going to the club?" I ask.

"Well.." He started, but I quickly cut him off, "No, there is no excuse for that. What is it with people and clubs, Christ's sake."

I roll my eyes, walking back to my room, slamming the door shut.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad of a thing!" He yelled.

"Yeah!?" I yell back, "Where's all the money coming from? You haven't paid a dime in rent the last two payments!"

I open my closet, pulling a sports bra and leggings out. They both match, being black camouflage with golden highlights. And next, a matching hoodie. I quickly change.

Despite having an injury, I need to stay on top of my fitness. The fact I got one proves I haven't been doing well enough. If I get caught by those four idiots, I'm done for.

I hear the front door of the apartment shut and lock, and I chuckle.

"Lord he has problems..." I mumble under my breath, grabbing my phone, wallet and keys and walking out of my bedroom.

And off on a quick morning run I go, before work starts.

Oliver Queen, they call him a hero. But was he really? His "heroic" actions caused many deaths that could have been avoided. Deaths that nobody deserved. Almost everyone who got in his way died in the end.

And with his vigilante upbringing, he caused terrorist attacks. He caused new vigilantes to appear from thin air.

All of a sudden, I collide with something, falling backwards. And whatever I bumped into, fell with me.

"Ack!-" I quickly focus on what was on top of me. Blonde hair.

"What the?!" The girl on top of me was clearly confused.

"M- I- Get the hell off of me!" I yell, I quickly pushing her off and standing up.

'Of fuck me..' I think to myself, 'If she recognizes me I'm dead meat.'

"Jesus, Rude much?" The girl stood up on her own, looking at me.

"Watch where you're standing next time then." I glare.

She rolled her eyes, "Watch where you're running."

I sigh angrily, going to continue running.

"Hey wait-" She said, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"What?" I ask, turning to look at her.

"You're bleeding."

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