"I'll teach her to keep saying my name."

Yukino pouts, showing a sheer amount of annoyance towards me.

"You're not getting dinner tonight."

"Okay, I'll teach her. What happens if I manage to make her say 'Mama' before tomorrow?"

I'm bored.

I wanna play and try something that I haven't done before with my wife.

"Hmm.. you get dinner."

Sounds lame.

"And maybe we can spend an extra amount of time together when Yuki is asleep."

Sounds great.

"On it."

Yukino could only laugh at my seriousness to try to teach a 7 month old baby how to say a 2 syllable word. I've learned to suppress my urges for sexual pleasure. And sometimes, humans have a limit.

"I'll be going back to my room now."

She disappears into the hallway, going back to focus her schoolwork.

Now I've got a job to do.


Her head turns towards me. I don't know if she is aware that Yuki is her name. Or maybe she heard a sound and just looks at wherever it came. And I also think babies don't have great eyesight yet.

"Say, mama."

No response.

Maybe I should say it, friendly-like.


She smiled at my tone.


"Close. But use Mama."


Sounds like Dada.








At this point, I think I'm not gonna get any fun tonight. Maybe I should up my game into more extreme measures. How about sounding like I'm yelling at her? Could you imagine yelling at a 7 month baby? Sounds dumb and sad.

"Yuki, say Mama!"

She had been ignoring me due to being entirely focused on the Pan-san show.


She turned her head towards me once more.

"Say, Mama!"

I accidentally used my Drill Instructor tone that I practiced during my 2nd deployment. The sheer loudness startled Yuki, and now she was seconds from crying.

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