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"Kiki-Chan I am so so so sorry!" My best friend, Nakai, bows repeatedly in front of me. "I got so drunk and completely lost sight of you!" She stands up and we continue walking through the campus.

Nakai always gets drunk at parties. It's one of her flaws in my opinion. Sometimes I worry that she drinks too much.

"It's fine." I sigh.

"I just wanted you to have fun! Ever since you and Takuya-Kun broke u-" She pauses, and I stop in my tracks.

The grip I have on the straps of my backpack tighten, and my eyes glue to my shoes.

"Shit- sorry. I didn't mean to bring him up. I was just-"

"It's fine." I force a laugh, smiling at her.

A look of relief comes over her face and she beams at me, continuing to walk. I follow right beside her, taking in a small breath.

"So...does that mean you're over him now? Because you know, he is pretty hot." She winks, nudging my shoulder.

I stop walking again, giving her a deadpanned expression.

"That's not even remotely funny." I say seriously and she tenses up for a second.

"Oh, I was just trying to lighten the mood. Won't do it again." She bites her lip.

"I'm going now. I have to go to the library to study." I turn around, starting to walk off.

"O-Okay! See you later!" I hear her call out.

God, just hearing his name...I feel so drained. I have one more class and then I can go home.

Once I'm in the library, I take a seat at one of the tables in the very back. My body aches. I still feel sore from the other day. Yesterday when I got home and took my clothes off to shower, I seen so many hickeys on my body. Thankfully, none were left on my neck.

Most of them were on my thighs, my lower stomach, and a few right below my boobs.

Stupid animal Sakusa.

I don't remember him being particularly rough, so why am I so sore even after a full day?

Sighing, I take out my books and begin studying. The words seem to just disappear right off the page though.

I'm so tired. I barely got any sleep because I was stressed out.

"You don't look so good."

I quickly stand up, taking a few steps back from the table. Looking up, I meet eyes with someone I wasn't expecting.

"Oh, it's you." I sigh in relief, sitting back down.

"Not very excited to see me, are you?" He asks, sitting down as well. His voice is weird. It's constantly calm and almost void of all emotion.

He has this resting stoic face as well, and it's kind of scary. Though I'm lucky, because right now he's wearing a mask.

"Don't worry, I wasn't jumping at the thought of coming here either. I brought your clothes. I washed them as well." He places a small gift bag in front of me, crossing his arms.

I grab the bag, looking to see if everything is in there. I see my dress...as well as my bra and underwear. God, don't tell me he packed them and folded them neatly in here himself...?

My cheeks redden at the thought, and I keep my head down.

"Thank you." I bow my head towards him.

"You look bad." He says.

Touch Me- Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now