"That stone belongs to the king!" roared Dwalin.

"And the king may have it, with our good will. So long as he honours his word."

"They are taking us for fools - this is a ruse. A filthy lie," Thorin said.  "The Arkenstone is in this mountain - it is a trick!"

"I-it's no trick," piped up Bilbo.  "The stone is real, I gave it to them, I took it as my fifteenth share."

Thorin turned t him. "You would steal from me?"

"Steal from you? No, no, I may be a burglar but I'd like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." 

 "Your claim?" scoffed Thorin. "You have no claim here you miserable rat!"

"I was going to give it to you. I was. Many times I wanted to, but-"

"But what, thief?"

"You are changed Thorin.  The Dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin."

"Do not speak to me of loyalty, traitor. Throw him from the rampart!"

No one moved at his order, just stood in shocked silence. 

"Did you not here me? I'll do it my self." Thorin grabbed Bilbo. 

"No, Thorin no!" Dahlia jumped between them.  "We will not allow this." 

"If you don't like my burglar, then please don't damage him!" came Gandalf's holler from below. "Return him to me.  You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain are you, Thorin, son of Thrain."

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards or shire rats!" Thorin shouted back. 

"Go!" Bofur helped Bilbo as he scrambled down the side of the wall with the help of a rope. Dahlia was quick to follow him. 

"We do not ask much, just what we were owed," Bard called.  "Please, King Thorin. Will you have peace or war?"

"I will have war!"

Suddenly, a looming shadow appeared over the hills.  The Dwarves bean to cheer as it turned out that shadow was an army. 

"By my beard!" cried Dahlia, recognizing them right away. 

"Who is that? He doesn't look very happy," said Bilbo. 

"Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills," Gandalf told him.  "Thorin's cousin."

"Are they alike?" asked Bilbo.

"I've always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two."

"I won't tell my father you said that," said Dahlia. 

"Good morning, how are we all?" called Dain.  "I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider - JUST SODDING OFF!!! ALL OF YOU! RIGHT NOW!"

"That's Adad alright. Adad!" Dahlia stepped forward.

"Dahlia! My wee lass! Come here will ye-" Dain leapt off his boar's back and gave his daughter a crushing hug. "How are ye?"

"Eh, fairly well, all things considered. You?"

"Good, good."

"Fergie's looking great." Dahlia scratched her father's prized boar under the chin, receiving a snort of approval.  "Adad, Thorin's gone mad, mad with Dragon-Sickness. This war is brewing because of it. But we can still stop it."

"If I may, My Lady-" Gandalf stepped forward.

"Ah, Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rubble to stand down or I'll water the ground with their blood!" Dain yelled. 

"Lord Dain." Gandalf bowed his head. "There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves. A legion of Orcs marches upon the Mountain. Stand your army down."

"If he stands between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" The smirk continued to crawl up King Thanduil's face at Dain's threat.

Suddenly, the ground shook beneath them, with such force it nearly knocked everyone off balance. 

Giant worm-like creatures sprouted from the ground, leaving massive holes - tunnels from which a flood of Orcs were marching through towards them.  A blast of a horn signaled their approach. 

"You said legion of Orcs?" cried Dahlia. 

"Oh come on!" cried Dain.  "Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" He raised his own hammer as though for emphasis.

"By my beard!" cried Dahlia as her father and his army charged towards the rapidly approaching enemy.

"The hordes of hell are upon us! To battle! To battle Sons of Durin!"

"And daughters," muttered Dhalia.

And they charged. 

(Took me longer than I'd hoped, but here it finally is, another chapter. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

Queen Under the Mountain - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now