"You alright?" I ask her. She doesn't look at me at first, but when she does there is worry written all over her face.

"I don't think I can do this."

"Why not? What's the matter?"

"Jay, I'm not like those girls. I don't have.." She indicates to her breasts and butt. I almost frown at what she says. She's not confident because she doesn't look like them.

"You are going to kill it. I know you are." I try to reassure her. She nods slightly and then takes a deep breath.

"I will make sure to be the best." She says more to herself than to me. I smile. That's the confident girl I know.

"Good luck." I tell her. She leaves me and goes over to her new group.

"You have an hour to learn and then will perform in front of us after that hour." Jihoon tells them. We both leave them to it.

*An Hour Later*

Jihoon and I are back in the auditorium waiting for my dancers to show us the choreography for Mommae. As the dancers come on stage, I take in a sharp breath and I stand up quickly.

"What are they wearing?" I hear myself ask. Jihoon looks over at me in confusion.

"Something they would wear in your videos." He replies. Right. Of course, but why is Tabby wearing it? The view of her body in front of me is causing me to get hard instantly. My women dancers are all wearing two piece lingerie. They're hardly wearing anything.

Before I can think I'm heading on stage to Tabby. I place a hand on her arm and have to take it away quickly. Just the feel of her skin put fire in my veins.

"You okay wearing this?" I ask her. She smiles as she looks at me.

"Being your dancer I have to get used to it right?" She asks. Well she has a point. I walk back off stage and stand next to Jihoon again.

"Cue the music!" Jihoon says loudly. The music for my song Mommae starts and my dancers begin. They are all doing the choreography perfectly. My eyes stray to Tabby and stay there. Her body is moving perfectly for the song despite her concerns early. Seeing her body move like that stirs something inside me and I have to fight myself from going on stage and having my way with her right there on stage.

This reaction is very weird for me. I've never once felt this way about any female before. First time for everything I guess.

Every time she moves that ass of hers I can feel it in my cock. I have to shift myself around to make it not so obvious. When the song is done I breath a sigh of relief. Tabby disappears back stage and I can finally relax.

She reappears a few minutes later actually wearing clothes. I walk over to her.

"Can I walk you home?" I ask her. She hesitates for a few seconds and then smiles softly.

"Yes." I walk beside her and we stay silent for some time. I break the silence while we're walking outside on the sidewalk.

"Tabby, I want you to be my main dancer." I tell her. She stops walking and I turn around to look at her. "What's wrong?"

"Are you blind?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not like the other girls you chose. I don't have big boobs or an ass to move around or be admired. I don't have a body like theirs." She says. I think back to how my body reacted just by seeing her dance wearing the lingerie and I smirk.

"You're perfect in my eyes. Your body is perfect." I say. She raises her eyes to look into mine.

"You really are blind."

"You're the only one I want." I say having more meanings than one in those six words. We are still looking at each other eye to eye. The heat between us is growing by the second.

"If you insist, then I'll be honored being your leading lady." She tells me. I smile. I hold my hand out to her. She takes it right away. I wrap my fingers around her hand.

"I'm honored to work with you from today to forever." I say softly. She looks away from my eyes to look down at our hands. I take this time to lean down and softly kiss her forehead. I stay leaned over as I say,

"I'll see you later." I let go of her hand and walk past her. I leave her there alone to ponder what just happened just now because I certainly have no clue.

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