How Do You Catch A Toon? (fic idea)

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In which Plotz is hit with a sudden inspiration: they had no luck in the past trying to get rid of the Warners because they were going about it entirely the wrong way. They were chasing after them and locking them up as if they were humans, but it would never succeed because no matter what the Warners were, it certainly wasn't human. They're cartoons, and obviously would slip out of any trap with humor and ease because that's what toons are made to do. If they wanted to be rid of the Warners once and for all, they needed to fight them like toons, not like humans.

Or in other words, an angsty, dark fic where Plotz sends Ralph chasing after the siblings with erasers and corrective fluid.

Maybe one of them actually does end up erased, idk. Or maybe just a part of them does, like one of their arms or legs... or Yakko's mouth... he wouldn't be able to 'yak' anymore... Or Wakko's tongue...  Actually even if one of them were partially erased, I still think it would be interesting for it to happen to somebody completely, and then to end up in some sort of trippy surrealist dimension. The reader could see what happens to toons who are "erased", maybe whoever the victim is would run into other scrapped ideas, and unfinished drawings, or even wrong homework answers... idk I'm just brainstorming at this point..

(I don't think Plotz would ever do anything like this in canon. It's shown from time to time that he actually doesn't hate the Warners, and I don't think he's even close to as evil as to actually stoop to killing someone. But this fic would portray him in a darker tone. He'd be less of a funny antagonist and more of a serious villain and a legitimate threat, possibly even holding Scratchansniff and Hello Nurse's jobs over their respective heads to force them to cooperate with his schemes.)

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