"You are such a bloody moron!" She said in between laughs. She finally calmed down enough to reply. "Are you honestly that deluded that you thought I ever fancied you? You?!" Hermione asked, a smirk growing on her face. Ron glared at her. 

"I wrote you, because I thought you were my friend. My mistake for ever thinking either of you could care about someone other than yourselves." She snapped at them. "And yes, I will defend Theo, because I care about him. He can do whatever the hell he wants with anyone he wants. Im not his damn keeper. You don't get to walk into my school and insult my friends to make yourselves feel big. But thanks, for giving me the last push I needed to decide that I no longer need or want either of you in my life anymore. Do me a favor, and leave me the hell alone." She finished with a scary glare before pushing past them. 

Hermione walked away from them and right into Draco's open arms. 

"That was extremely sexy, love." He mumbled into her hair. She looked up at him and smiled before grabbing his head and pulling him down into a scorching kiss. Their friends around them started whistling and howling. After a few seconds they pulled away and laughed along with their friends. Hermione turned to face the group, leaning her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Ginny walked by the now stunned boys to join her friends, not even bothering a glance at them. Luna followed her quickly, giving them a disappointed and angry look. Pansy got up to follow and stopped to look back at them. 

"That's her boyfriend you fucking wankers." She spat before turning and joining everybody else. 

The rest of the week was miserable for Harry and Ron. It seemed like nobody would talk to them, not even the Gryffindors. Even Dumbledore kept shooting them disappointed looks. They ended up spending all their time in their tent away from everyone, only coming out to attend their classes or training. They attempted to go to the quidditch match on Friday but after a few near misses with some well-aimed bludgers, they left in a rush. 

They tried cornering Ginny to talk to her at one point but she just sent a few mean bat-bogey hexes their way and they never tried again. 

It was Sunday, and they had 2 hours before they had to leave, so they decided to take a walk around the Black lake to get out of the tent for a while. They walked in silence until they heard Hermione's voice. They both stepped behind a bush to hide before peaking out to observe. 

Hermione was sitting in between Draco's legs, facing the lake. Draco was propped up against a tree with his arms wrapped around her, his chin resting on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at him. 

"I'm really proud of you, just so you know." 

"What for?" 

"Well, for a lot of reasons. But right now i'm talking about quidditch." 

"You? Talking about quidditch? Is the world ending?" Draco teased.

"Shut up!" Hermione huffed, hitting his shoulder. "Im being serious. You worked extremely hard this year and i'm really glad that it paid off for you. You deserve it."

"Even if it means Gryffindor looses?" 

"Even then. I care more about you than the stupid House Cup anyways." 

Draco was quiet for a minute, just taking her in. 

"Thank you, Mia. You have no idea how much that means to me." He said softly. Hermione turned in his arms and adjusted so she was straddling him. His arms wrapped back around her waist, one rubbing up and down her spine. Her hands went to stroke through his hair, then moved to trace his face, his lips. She was silent for a long while, just absentmindedly touching and studying him. 

Quite a PairNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ