The Question

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*One week after Tony's funeral*

The bed creaked as I stood. Crossing the room I picked up the S.W.O.R.D. badge off of the desk. As I opened my black leather ID when a folded piece of paper fell to the floor. I bent down to pick it up when I read the word on the front.

Daisy J.S. was written in my dad's clean typewriter-like handwriting. Unfolding the letter I slowly read what he had written.


I hope you know how much I love you these past six years have been some of the best in my life. I got to meet and get to know my eldest daughter. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there when you were growing up.

If everything goes right tomorrow you will probably just disregard this but if it doesn't go to plan I hope you will look after Pepper and Morgan. I'm so proud of the woman you've become.

Love Dad.

Tears dropped from my nose onto the parchment. A knock at the door stopped me from reading the note again. Crossing the room I opened my door to see, Morgan's hand raised to knock again. "Hey, cricket, what's up?"

"One of your friends are looking for you," she said, and then took my hand in her small one and started to lead me to them. 

Going down the stairs I saw a man with a metal arm and shoulder-length hair. He stood extending an arm. Morgen left the room as I shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr...." I trailed off.

"Barnes, Bucky Barnes," He answered my unasked question. 

"Daisy," I said then whispered, "you probably already know that though,"

laughing softly he sat back down gesturing for me to sit as well. Sitting near the front door I looked at him questingly. "Oh, um, a, right. Can I ask you to do something?"  he asked awkwardly. Scooting to the edge of my seat "what is it?"

"It's Steve." Bucky said wilts ringing his hands, "He's going back in time to put the stones back"

I stood and sat next to him. Seeing the worry on his face, I knew whatever he asked me to do I would do. "What do you need me to do."

"Can you go with Steve? If I ask he'll say no and I just have this feeling that he's going to something stupid but if you ask to go with him he'll let you go."

"So you want me to go with Steve to return the stones."

"Yes, can you please?"

"Yes, of course." though I meant it a little voice in the back of my mind whispered 'why am I helping a man that I just met.'

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