Admitting love

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So, It took me a long time to think of how this is going to go , I didn't like the idea of me being the girl who starts the relationship and  admits her love to a guy , and most importantly I was afraid to do that because of what we had in our family and our culture which forbids being in a relationship
so I was hesitating a lot , but my pain was stronger than my logic thinking, I couldn't stop myself back then.
And this is how I started ..
I created  a Facebook account with a fake name and sent him a "hi"
it took him three days to reply I still don't know why ...
any ways , I was waiting eagerly for his response and it was a "hi" back
I was super happy but nervous cause It was my first time talking to a guy and I didn't know what words to begin with , I don't know what was I thinking at that moment but it cased me to start the whole thing with a lie , I sent him a message back it was that "I know a girl whose at your school who's in love with you " he kept asking me questions , he was smart enough to figure out that I was the same girl I was talking about, I was very embarrassed that I lied but he was very understanding about the reason 
It was my biggest wish to let him know how much I love him ,
and I finally did ، he was surprised but happy
That was on 22/8/2013 , we talked every and I was always asking him how is he feeling about me and he always answers me that he doesn't know me well yet and that he feels nothing towards me,
After 3 months  22/11/2013 he told me that he wanted to tell me something  and I asked him what is it , he said that he loves me . I was the happiest girl ever I couldn't believe it , I still remember the time of the message it was around 12:00am , my life changed and I felt nothing was lacking

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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