
616 11 2

Type: Canvas
Genre: Fantasy

Another one of the first Webtoons I have read. This one is really good! The title Apheiron is actually a type of person in the story. An Apheiron is a "beautiful" person who has the power to control the elements (ice, water, air, those things.)

Damn I wish I had that power but I can't for two main reasons:
1. I ugly boi!!!!!!! XD
2. I would want to control all the elements and become an "elementalist" (that's what I'm calling it)

The main character's name is Ren (she's the girl in the top image of this page). Her friend finds this old book about Apheirons. Ren doesn't believe in it until she meets one in person. But she gets ---------------- (I ain't gonna spoil unless you want me to)

So her friend is really into it and wants to see one in person. But there is something weird going on with her and her "fellow companions" (idk I just wanted to type that XD)

(Written in January of 2021 and there's not a lot of episodes out right now so yea)

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