Chapter 6

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After the encounter with Kairi, all the trolls returned to the hideaway. They were completely amazed and surprised about what had just happened.

"So that's why you wanted to ask me about the ocean guard!" Trollex exclaimed. Aria nodded back. "Well I've never seen anything like that. I thought it would be a huge fish of some sort."

"Enough with the fish talk!" Barb butted in. "Let's talk power!" She turned to Aria, awaiting an explanation.

"She'll probably just come at our time of need to help us." Aria shrugged. "I've never been in contact with a goddess before, no one has in years."

"Maybe because no one just sits by the water with their eyes closed for no apparent reason." Branch joked, referring to Aria. She picked up a piece of moss and threw it at him as she rolled her eyes.

"You said 'in years' as if someone has been in contact with one before." Hickory questioned as he tilted his head. "Has something like this happened before?" Aria gulped before answering.

"Hundreds of years ago, long before the Great Guardian Crystals were formed." Aria said. The trolls looked at her, intrigued. "It's a pretty intense story, are you sure you can handle it?" Aria teased.

"Of course! Nothing more fun than spooky stories around a campfire!" Poppy said excitedly.

"I dunno Popcorn, Branch doesn't seem like he can handle it." Barb joked. Branch looked at her dryly. Poppy shifted closer to him.

"Well I'll just have to protect him, won't I?" Poppy said, booping Branch's nose. He blushed as he put his arm around her. "Mind if I stay by you, just in case it is more intense than I expect?" She smiled.

"Of course." Branch smiled back, kissing her cheek.

"Alright you two, get a room." Hickory laughed. "Aria, the story?" Aria nodded.

"A few generations had passed since Lost Trolls discovered their guardians and the goddesses. The goddesses lived among the trolls as they were the one's who provided the power of their guardians. The Lost Trolls would throw celebrations for the goddesses, proving to them how thankful they were to be gifted with such an unbelievable power.
However, word got around about these trolls that could talk to the goddesses and other tribes wanted that power. One of these tribes was the elves, their leader begged for the power that the trolls possessed. But the Chieftain of the Lost Trolls said no, not wanting to disrespect the goddesses, but instead offered to use their guardians to help the elves. The elf leader was furious and started war between the elves and the trolls.

The goddesses were angered by the fighting and tried their best to stop it, but little did they know that something was born from those fights.
Thana awoke, an evil spirit formed by the fear and hate of the fights. She wasn't a goddess in any way, yet she had the power to bind to a person's soul just like how our guardians bind to us.
Thana was attracted to the elf leader's hate and he offered the spirit to bind with his own soul. And she did, becoming his guardian and causing damage like no other. Villages were damaged, trolls were badly injured. With a spirit this powerful as his guardian, no one could stop him. When someone's guardian attacks another, it can hurt the troll itself; creating a pain like no other. The elf leader used that weakness to his advantage.

Until a troll by the name of Spark stepped forward. He was a natural-born leader, just like his goddess, Sana. He was willing to fight against Thana and the elf leader when no one else would. Sana recognized his leadership and binded to his soul along with his guardian. Now that Spark had a goddess on his side, he was finally able to defeat the elf leader. As for Thana, the goddesses Sana, Akina and Kairi used their power to trap Thana's spirit within a sacred crystal known as the fire ruby, from which she could never escape.
Spark was praised for his bravery and leadership and immediately became the leader of the tribe's guard, a position that was only given to the bravest of trolls.

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