"Well," he started and pulled me down on the boulder beside him. "I want you to stay here, blood traitor," he said, his face close to mine.

"I'd rather not. Now if you'll excuse me," I said, starting to stand up. I brushed my robes off and walked over to Hermione and Ron. "What's up with Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"I have no clue. He's been acting strange since we got back to school," I said.

"He has been awfully close to you," Hermione said.

"I know. Maybe he hit his head," I said, laughing a little.

Not long after Harry and Buckbeak came down. People were clapping and then I heard Draco. "Oh. Please!" He said and stood up. He started walking towards Buckbeak. I. Quickly ran over to him. "I wouldn't do that, Draco," I said but he ignored me.

Draco shoved people out of the way me closely behind. I know what you're going to ask. Why am I going after him? Well, don't know exactly, maybe it's because Slytherin's protect each other. And yes I know he's never done that for me. Or maybe it's because i knew the git would get himself hurt then "his father would hear about this!" And Buckbeak would be done for.

"Yes. You're not dangerous at all, are you," he said walking at a fast pace towards the huge chicken-like bird. "Draco, don't!" I said, trying to catch up. He has longer legs than me. "You great ugly brute," Draco said walking up to Buckbeak.

"Malfoy!" I said he was still not listening.

Buckbeak reared up and Draco backed up his eyes wide looking up at him. He put his arm up in front of him as Buckbek brought his hoof down onto Draco's arm. "Draco!" I yelled as he fell to the ground. Everyone was screaming and Hagrid calmed Buckbeak down. I fell beside Draco. Of course, he was being overly dramatic.

"Oh, It's killed me. It's killed me," he whined as he rolled slightly on the ground holding his arm. "It has not, you big baby. This is your fault," I said. 

"Calm down!" Hagrid said, kneeling beside us. "It's-It's just a scratch!"

"Hagrid!" Hermione yelled. "He has to be taken to the hospital,"

"Um, the teacher. I'll do it. Miss. Thronheart will assist me," he said.

"Say what now?" I said. 

"Get your stuff and his and follow me, now," he said and picked Draco up as he was still being dramatic. I quickly ran over grabbing mine and Draco's bags and books. Then ran back over to Hagrid.

As we walked Draco spoke up. "Oh, you're going to regret this," he told Hagrid. "You're so dramatic, Malfoy," I said.

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid yelled and we walked away.

"You and your bloody chicken!" Draco whined.

We walked back up to the castle and to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey quickly walked over to us. "What happened?" She asked.

"Bloody chicken," Draco whined.

"He was being a git and decided to not listen to Hagrid.  Which in return got his arm broken by Buckbeak," I said. Poor Hagrid didn't know what to do.

"Put him down over there," she said, pointing to an empty bed. Hagrid laid him down and just stood there. "Don't worry Hagrid, I've got it from here. Go back to Buckbeak," I said.

"Thank ya, y/n," he said and walked off.

I sat down on a chair and put books and bags beside it. Draco was laying on the bed moaning in pain holding his arm. "You wouldn't be in the situation if you weren't so cocky," I said.

"My father..." He said but I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah. Your father will hear about this," I said, rolling my eyes.

Madam Pomfrey came over with some kind of liquid in a glass. She set it down on the bedside table and helped Draco sit up then shoved the cup in his hand " drink this," she said.

He smelled and scrunched up his face. "Drink.  Go on," she said, pushing his hand with the glass in it up to his lips. He took a sip and his face contorted in disgust. "Drink all of it," Madam Pomfrey said, making him drink it all before taking the glass and walking away.

I was holding back from laughing at his face but I let a giggle slip out. His head wiped to look at me. "What's so funny?" He asked glaring at me. "Oh, nothing," I said. Before he could say anything else Madam Pomfrey came back with another glass and a piece of cloth. She sat the glass down and made a sling for Draco's arm and made him drink the glass.

"After you're finished you may leave and go back to your common room to get ready for dinner," she said and walked away.

"Drink up!" I said smiling and he just glared at me and looked at the liquid in the glass. He brought it to his lips and scrunched his face up as he downed it.

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