Chapter 14

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Three days passed. Three days of the copies standing like statues around Paris. Three days of waiting, waiting for something, anything to happen.

Three days of Persephone being that happiest that Iris had ever seen her. Persephone had spent the past three days practically skipping around the school, reminding everyone that the dance was on Friday and that they all needed to come.

It was as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, at least for Persephone.

Everyone else was extremely grim.

"I walked by one of those monster things on my way home yesterday," Victor said, shivering at the memory. He, Iris and Camille were walking into school together. "It was creepy."

"I know what you mean," said Camille. "They're just standing there, all big and ugly and scary"

Victor laughed. "It's kind of ridiculous, when you think about it."

"I just hope that Crimson Bug and Cat Midnight figure out how to fix it soon," said Camille.

Iris looked down at the ground. The pressure was immense.

"Excuse me!" someone yelled. "May I have your attention please!"

Iris, Victor and Camille, along with everyone else in Francois Dupont High School, turned in the direction of the voice.

Persephone was standing at the top of one of the staircases, grinning so widely it looked like it must be painful.

"Thank you," said Persephone. "Now, as you all already know, the long awaited school dance is this evening, and I expect all of you to be here! I mean it!" She pointed at someone in the crowd. "Even you, Anton."

Persephone looked up, and her grin widened, which shouldn't have even been possible. "Thank you for listening. Tootles, my little ducklings!"

At that, Persephone turned and flounced away.

"Oh my God," Camille said, eyes wide. "That girl belongs in a mental institute."

"Definitely," said Iris.

"How does she even do that?" Victor asked.

"One of the world's many mysteries," Iris said, shaking her head.

"Are you two going to the dance?" Victor asked.

"Are you?" asked Camille.

"I don't know yet," Victor said. "I wanted to know if you guys were."

"I want to," Camille said. "I think it could be fun."

"Me too," said Victor. He turned to Iris, expectant.

Iris sighed. "Why not?"

"Yay," Camille said. "This will be really fun."

Victor nodded.

Iris found her gaze wandering over to Hugo, who was climbing up the stairs, staring down at his feet and clutching the straps of his backpack.

Apparently Iris had a knack for spotting him in a crowd.

"You should ask Hugo to come with us," Camille said.

"What?" Iris asked, tearing her eyes away from him.

"You should ask Hugo if he wants to come with us," Camille said. "I think that kid needs to have a little more fun."

"He'd say no," said Iris. "I don't think dances have ever really been his thing."

Miraculous Next Generations: Tales of Crimson Bug and Cat MidnightWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu