New Crush ❤️💖

Start from the beginning

"Umm, yes! I watched Yuri on Ice"

"Oh I haven't watched that"

Liam mouth dropped open

"Henry! You love anime! We are watching it!"

"Fine! But only if you watch My Hero Academia with me!"

I rolled my eyes

"Can you weebs ever stop talking about anime?"

Liam and Henry rolled their eyes at me

"Sorry your Jakey isn't here to talk about things with you"

'My Jake!?' I blushed

"Look who's blushing"
Liam laughed

"Ooooo look who has a crush on Jake~"
Henry said in a sing song voice

"Shut up"
I muttered

"Jake and Drew sitting in a tree! K I S S I N G"
The weebs sang. A few people gave them strange looks


They laughed

"Dude! You're so in love with your best friend!"

Liam laughed

"You're one to talk"

I muttered under my breathe


I smirked


I sang. Liam was very confused, so was Henry.

"I heard you say something"

"Oh yeah, I did! I said you're one to talk"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

Liam was blushing



All of a sudden Jake walked up


I screamed. All three laughed


I said punching him beet red

"Sorry Drew. Hailey let us out early I couldn't resist!"

He said through giggles. I blushed

"What'ch talking about anyway?"

Henry blurted out

"Oh ReAlLy~?!"

Jake said giving me a shippers face. I blushed. Henry snickered


Liam practically yelled

"Sooooo Drew you like someone?!"



Henry was laughing so hard

"Oh I see! Who?"

I covered my face. Liam and Henry were snickering

"I-ummm, it's, AAAAA"

Liam said. I was dead


I was so embarrassed. Jake blushed. Henry and Liam were laughing so hard

I muttered. I pulled my hoodie over

Jake was completely red. Liam and Henry were on the floor laughing, everyone was staring at them. I just wanted to run away. Jake took my hands off my face and held them

"Hey Drew you don't need to be embarrassed"
I wanted to kick him- HOW COULD I NOT BE EMBARRASSED. I still wouldn't look at him

"Hey, lets talk after school ok? I'll deal with these idiots"

I nodded still not saying anything

"Sooo now that we talked about Drew, who are your crushes?"
Henry and Liam blushed

"Lia- obviously"

Liam looked hurt

"Ah huh sure"

Jake rolled his eyes

"And- I like Miss Jones?"
Liam said sounding unsure of himself

"Oh my god"
I said covering my face

"You guys are an embarrassment"

After school

I was so nervous 'JAKE KNOWS THAT I LIKE HIM' What is he gonna say? What is he gonna do? GAHHH WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I walk out and see Jake. He looks super nervous

"So, umm I have a question"
I look at him, 'He has a question for me?'


He looks down blushing

"Will you go out with me?"

He says very quietly


He looks up, super red

"I-i said, umm, w-will you go out with me?"

I blush

"O-oh, s-sure"

It was very awkward

"S-so I'm free right now? Or like tomorrow-"

He looks up

"Oh right now? O-ok, umm wanna go see a movie?"

I nod

"I-i would like that"

"Okay s-so lets go!"

He grabs my hand and we start to walk

(Hey! Sorry for including Henriam/Lenry IT'S MY FAVORITE SHIP OK?!! I will write a new chapter every day except this week end, I'm going on a trip and am going to be busy so don't expect anything on the 16th through 19th. Also sorry for not writing for a long time- I've been well, not busy, but umm, kinda depressed. But I'm back now! I am taking requests! Okay gotta go back to school bye!)

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