A Little Less Talking, A Little More Fucking

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Frank Iero, a 16 year old student at a Catholic school glances nervously between the clock and the most gorgeous boy he's ever seen, 17 year old Gerard Way. He swears the older boy has been purposely trying to start an uprising in Frank's grey school pants since he first walked in the class. Well, Gerard's plan worked. After looking over at the younger boy and continuously running his hand slowly up and down his leg, even biting his lip at some points, Gerard himself had a problem as well. The bell rings and as soon as it does, a very flustered looking Frank rushes out of the classroom and into the boys restroom where he hides in a stall until he's sure he's alone. Or so he thought. Just as he slips his hand beneath his trousers, none other than Gerard slips into the boys room, locking the door behind him. Frank freezes his actions, biting his lip to keep quiet. "Come on, Frankie I know you're in here." The intruder states. Immediately, Frank recognizes the voice and boldly steps forward, unlocking the door to the stall and pulling Gerard in with him. The younger blushes a light shade of pink before grabbing the 17 year olds tie and crashing their lips together. Frank lets out a soft moan as Gerard slips his tongue into his mouth, tasting, exploring. His jeans grow tighter with every passing minute. The older trails his lips down the 16 year old neck, nipping and sucking on the skin as his hands travel to Frank's belt. "G-Gerard we're in school." The younger protests breathlessly. The 17 year old chuckles and leans down, whispering in Frank's ear. "Sugar, we both know you're not gonna stop me." He tries protesting a few more times but within less than a minute, both are standing completely undressed in front of each other, eyes traveling down and back up. With a smug smirk, Gerard pulls a small bottle of lube from the pocket of his discarded school pants and squirts some onto his fingers before prepping himself. He lifts Frank up, wrapping the younger's legs around his waist and holding him against the wall. "You ready?" Gerard asks, lining himself up with Frank's entrance. "Oh I'm there, baby." The younger replies. He hisses in pain as Gerard pushes into him, but it's quickly replaced with pleasure as Gee begins thrusting into him. Frank lets out loud moans as the older picks up the pace. "Sh-shit, Gee!" He shouts as an intense wave of pleasure ripples through him. The 17 year old purposely misses that spot that drives Frank crazy and the younger lets out a whimper before saying in a low growl, "Don't fucking tease." The dark look in Frank's eyes causes Gerard to let out a groan as he thrusts back into the 16 year old, hitting Frank's spot every time. The younger reaches down to get himself off whilst being fucked by the hottest boy he'd ever seen, only to have his hand swatted away and replaced with the hand which belonged to the very person he was being fucked by. Gerard wraps his hand around Frank's hard length and strokes him in time with his thrusts. "Ah-fuck..fuck!" The younger shouts, his head falling back against the stall wall. One final thrust and Gerard comes hard into Frank. The intense pleasure builds up and the 16 year old lets out an incoherent string of curses, his eyes rolling back in sheer ecstasy as he comes into the older's hand. Gerard pulls out, keeping hold of Frank's hips so he doesn't collapse. Once they've both come down from the temporary high, they quickly pull on their clothes. "That was fun. We should do it again sometime." Gerard says with a wink, handing a piece of paper with his number and address to Frank. The younger can't do much but stand and watch as the latter walks out with a happy sway of his hips.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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Holy ship!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ