quirk accident

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(Hello guys sorry for not updating please forgive me it's just that a lot happen this week, and I've been learning Spanish words so yeah so I'm gonna us Spanish words cause I know some words their so yeah)

Multiverse found: quirk accident

Aizawa: is this good or bad?, also Kate you look like shit!

Me: wow thank you...!

Mina: what happened?

Marianne: her grandfather died...

Everyone was shocked and I clamnly say

Me: don't worry I'm okay and I have finish all my goddamn homework too! Well except for 2 video tho but I'mma do that tomorrow

Toru: you sure your okay?

She asked worry about me

Me: yup! Don't worry I know he's in a good place now...!

Shoto: wow why didn't I acted like that when you "died " Touya?

Dabi: well maybe beacause you didn't know how to show emotions???? I don't know

Fuyumi: how can you not know your own brother!

Dabi: well maybe because I was gone for-! .... Wait...1 2 3 4..5?  How many again?

Jansen: i-....

Marianne: how can you not know that?!

Dabi: I forgot...?

Shigaraki: the hell!

Me: I think like.... More than 10? O don't have the motivation to fucking count

Twice: so about the multiverse are we gonna start now?

Stain: twice!

Twice: what? I didn't say anything bad! I was just asking!

Me: fine let's just start, eyes on the screen! Also you might wanna open your phone and translate this shits

Everybody looked at me counfused bakugo w as about time ask something but the multiverse started

It showed izuku midoriya in his dorm room on his study table righting something as he spoked

Izuku:Ojalá sero estuviera aquí, él sabe español, ¡pero no! ¡¡¡Está saliendo con Kaminari !!! ¿Por qué tuve que ser yo quien tuvo que ser golpeado por una peculiaridad del lenguaje? ¡No es justo! incluso Aizawa-sensei no me entiende y Ayoma solo sabe francés, ¡así que estoy condenado ...! *sigh*

Uraraka: what was he saying? I don't understand... I only understood sero, kaminari, aizawa- sensei and ayoma-

I signed as the translation of the Spanish words appered on the screen

(Izuku: I wish sero was here, he knows Spanish, but no! She's hanging out with Kaminari !!! Why did I have to be the one who had to be hit by a language quirk? It's not fair! even Aizawa-sensei doesn't understand me and Ayoma only knows French, so I'm doomed ...! * sigh *)

Aizawa: so problem child got hit by a language quirk?

Me: yup

Kaminari: wow that's a lot!

Jirou:it's just beacause your an idiot denki

Kaminari: ouch!

Then izuku heard a knock on his door, then the screen zoomed out to see he's whole room filled with... Oh? It was a simple dorm room he only has a few of all might merch left there some eraser head and present mic merch

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